A New Truth: Holiday Weight Gain

Let's bring to light some TRUTH about this topic because I don't believe many people do. Marketing agency's, gyms and fad diets are all capitalizing on your fears this time of year so this is my attempt to keep them at bay.

This time of year we often blame our weight gain on those binges. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years or maybe just a bad weekend just killed all your good behavior right?!? We generally feel that our diet is good but then that binge hits and that's where problems occur. Sorry, it's NOT TRUE. 

Why Cleansing and Detoxes Don't Work

The title of this blog may be a little bold but that's how firmly I believe in this topic; and like everything else there is always an exception to the rule. However, if you're just starting your health and fitness journey consider this point of view first. It may just save you hundreds of dollars and tons of time later.***

So are you ready for the "secret" to getting results, as it pertains to nutrition & fitness? Do what it takes. I'm sure you won't be happy with that answer so allow me to elaborate.

Yup, You're Going To Gain Weight Real Soon

Want to become more healthy? I'll tell you the secret right now... It all starts in your mind. If you don't change the way you view things you're going to turn something that really isn't that complicated into something that's seemingly impossible. For example, let's look at EXCUSES. They're like the plague. Cure one and three more pop up. We're about to run into the worst part of the year too; what I call "holiday time."

FAILURE: A Weight Loss Story

There has been this common theme that has come up time and time again over the years and I've never really shared or written about it so I thought it was time I did. This story is about a particular friend of mine but it applies to many of the women I've helped lose weight over the years. Now I say women not because it only applies to women (which it doesn't) but because that is my primary client base and who I tend to help most often. 

She committed to a 3 week weight loss and portion control program called The 21 Day Fix Extreme by Beachbody. She had never really done a program like this but with the motivation of Halloween coming up she wanted to make some changes. Okay, let's fast forward to the most interesting part of the story and what I really want to share with you... Day 20

22 Minute Hard Corps by Beachbody

I can't wait for this one to come out (February 2016, tentative) not only because it is the newest Tony Horton fitness program but because I'M IN IT! I've been waiting, wanting and biting my nails ready to share this info and now I finally can.


Someone the other day said to me, "I wish I had your life. You live in California and your heart is in what you do." This isn't the first time someone has said something like this to me and the people who say this aren't necessarily unhappy they're just not as happy as they could be. My advice to anyone and everyone is simple...

My First Oil Painting: Roger & Jessica Rabbit

Just wanted to share with you all a new hobby/ bucket list item I started/ completed - oil painting. 

I'm a fan of Roger Rabbit and I guess in many ways I relate to him. The goofy funny guy (how I see myself) trying to get the hot girl. I guess in the movie they're already married but whatever. Anyways I found this image who I believe is by MistyTang (WEBSITE) and used it as my inspiration.

Why You Can't START Being Healthy Later

I keep getting the response from people that they will, "start later." They will start being healthy later is really what they're saying. As if their health is on hold right now waiting for them to start it. Well guess what that isn't the case and that's what we're going over today.

Why "Free" is Not Actually Free

So there's "free" food at your friends Bday party huh? Or maybe at that corporate event? Ohhhh you just had to eat it because it was "free" huh? Well let's talk about that... is free actually FREE?

Shakeology: A Mindset Change

You may have heard about the powerful superfood ingredients within this once a day shake but my story and success with it is quite different. Check out my YouTube video for the full story and if you want to grab your own bag and join me for this crazy health journey go HERE. Enjoy. 

Monday Mornings

Let's talk about Monday mornings, or any morning and how to, 'live them by design.'

Okay so who likes Monday mornings? Although I'm not standing in front of you right now I'm guessing your hand didn't go up. When I first started this whole "live by design" mentality I came to the realization that life is too short. I realize that statement is nothing mind blowing or anything you haven't heard before but I set out to actually do something about it.

The Updated Marriage Law

Well it finally happened, I came across some negativity on my Facebook wall news feed about the whole gay marriage issue law that just got passed. It really sucks too because for days I was reading my friends posts who were complaining about all the negativity coming across their Facebook walls and how they couldn't believe it!

Let's just say I was sitting back pretty high and mighty on my throne all superior because nothing negative came across my wall for days. Well, it just happened... crap. 

Now since it is 2015 and everyone has a voice due to the internet here is mine.

A Story on Having Options

I like having options do you? I'm not really talking about anything in particular just in general. 

Senior year of high school I had this friend named Steven. Steven was bright, talented and dedicated to his academics. I remember one time in English class Steven was haggling with the teach to change his grade from a 97% to a 100% because he didn't think something was fair.

My Biggest Relationship Mistake

You may not know this about me but I do a lot of reflecting. I am often reflecting on past mistakes, things I've said, things I've done wondering why I did what I did.

One in particular stands out to me as one of my biggest I've ever made and one I'll never repeat. The funny thing (if you can even call it that) is that it wasn't until years later that I had even realized I had made a mistake.

McDonalds Isn't the Problem, It's You.

McDonalds HealthI posted about this a little bit on my Facebook LIKE page but the topic has been so engrained in my head lately that I feel the only way to get it out is to share my thoughts with you here. 

I've been in the health & fitness field for many years now and I notice a ton of trends, myths, common mistakes and even common opinions. 

One common opinion I hear all the time is "fast food is poison," "McDonalds is the devil," "you'll get cancer if you eat that Big Mac" and the list goes on. Now I'm not here to argue any of these points because if we boil it down to the REAL PROBLEM, none of these things even matter.

6 Pack Secrets Revealed and Simplified

6 pack secrets
90% of people who ask me for fitness advice always ask me how to "get" a 6 pack. 9 out of 10 of those people who hear my advice glaze over, fade off and generally stop listening. Why? Well probably because they don't like my answer. 

Why would they not like my answer? Because I'm not telling them anything new. I'm simply reinforcing what they already know but are unwilling to do.

Setting Mini Goals

Chalk board goals
I'm a big fan of setting goals. I think when you're as into health and fitness as I am, you have to be. That being said, what I want to share with you isn't specific to health and fitness but to any goals you have. 

The problem I found with most systems for tracking and setting goals were that they didn't allow me any room for error. Not only that, but the way they wanted me to track my goals and build new habits had me reaching far outside of my attention zone. After literally years of setting goals - FAILING, setting new goals - FAILING AGAIN I had to create a system that worked for me.

Being Burned: Learning to Recover

There's no pain like it, relationship pain. I don't often share about my relationships on my blog because there hasn't much to share. I'm single, not exactly news worthy. I'm picky, which means I'm single for long spouts of time. I'm shy, which means although I'm outgoing on the outside it takes a miracle for me to make the first move. Not exactly a great recipe for relationship success but it's the truth and it's where I'm currently at. 


I'd like to share with you a story I don't think I've ever shared with anyone and it's one of my earliest memories. Looking back now it's the earliest memory I can remember of someone saying something to me that not only do I remember, but has also impacted me even until this day. 

It's the title of this blog... ONCE.

Lazy Man's Low Carb Chili

Turkey Chili
Meal planning has always been an obstacle for me but if you're serious about getting those chiseled abs you're going to have to jump in the ring at some point. There's really now way around it. Some weeks I'm on point, but for the most part my meal planning really is fly by the seat of my pants. 

Want to know an easy recipe I used to help me through the process? 

21 Day Fix Extreme - My Results and Thoughts

So I did it, I completed the 21 Day Fix Extreme program and I am so proud of myself. It's only 3 weeks but it just seems as I get older it's harder and harder for me to commit to things. Maybe I'm developing that "can't teach an old go new tricks" thing. It's not that old dogs (people) can't learn, it's that they are just too damn lazy. I hope I'm not developing that habit.

So here are my results...

I know if you'll be SUCCESSFUL or NOT

Want to know a secret? I've talked to and coached hundreds of people on their fitness and nutrition and I know within the first 30 seconds of talking to you if you're going to be successful or not.

It doesn't even matter what your goal is. This isn't just a theory of mine either. It has been validated over and over again.

First Time Challengers Give Advice

Dog Cape
As you may or may not know I believe in TRUTH. I believe that experience is the best teacher and that we're all on the same path to fulfillment. 

With that in mind I host private groups online where people get together to accomplish their fitness and nutritional goals. Generally the people in these groups are either new or getting back into their fitness and nutritional routines and realize the power of peer-to-peer support. We all get to learn real first hand experienced truths from each other while helping each other succeed. 

One of my groups just finished their first month so I asked them an interesting question.

ONE TIP for Simple and Effective Weight Loss

Woman Scale
LOSING WEIGHT... This is an interesting topic and although new fads and gimmicks come out just about every 3 months the way to lose weight hasn't changed in over 50 years (I just made up a number by the way). You see when it comes to losing weight I believe in the TRUTH.

Should I Start Over?

Man DepressedVIDEO BLOG: My videos are generally broad in topic but since I get this question a lot I wanted to address it. You feel like you've failed and really messed up starting your Beachbody program so what do you do? Should you start over?

My Dream Job

A few years ago I found MY DREAM JOB. It's a perfect fit for me and it has been life changing to say the least. You read that right, LIFE CHANGING! I'm sharing this with you because ANYONE can do this job and BE SUCCESSFUL at it, even a typical office worker like me with ZERO EXPERIENCE.

21 Day Fix Example Meal Plan

If you're on this page then you're probably already familiar with what the 21 Day Fix is so I'm just going to cut to the chase and give you the info I'm hoping will help you out. Here it is... my meal plan for the 21 day fix - "LEAN OUT STYLE."

21 Day Fix Extreme


I have created this page to keep you up-to-date and knowledgable on everything that is 21 Day Fix EXTREME.

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