Why You Can't START Being Healthy Later

I keep getting the response from people that they will, "start later." They will start being healthy later is really what they're saying. As if their health is on hold right now waiting for them to start it. Well guess what that isn't the case and that's what we're going over today.

Why "Free" is Not Actually Free

So there's "free" food at your friends Bday party huh? Or maybe at that corporate event? Ohhhh you just had to eat it because it was "free" huh? Well let's talk about that... is free actually FREE?

Shakeology: A Mindset Change

You may have heard about the powerful superfood ingredients within this once a day shake but my story and success with it is quite different. Check out my YouTube video for the full story and if you want to grab your own bag and join me for this crazy health journey go HERE. Enjoy. 

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