22 Minute Hard Corps by Beachbody

Friday, October 09, 2015

I can't wait for this one to come out (February 2016, tentative) not only because it is the newest Tony Horton fitness program but because I'M IN IT! I've been waiting, wanting and biting my nails ready to share this info and now I finally can.

Want to follow me further and learn more about the program, health & fitness and how to achieve your goals?!? Make sure you go over and LIKE my page for daily info. 

The Program
"22 Minute Hard Corps is your no-nonsense, boot-camp-butt-kicking fitness program. Legendary trainer Tony Horton has created a challenging, but simple to follow workout program inspired by training program techniques used in the military. Each workout is a quick--and intense--total body drill designed to get participants "boot camp fit" in just 8 weeks. Each day of the program consists of a series of total body rounds within the 22 minute workout window, rotating through functional resistance, cardio, and core focused workouts." - Beachbody

What You'll Need
This is a limited equipment workout so all you'll need is either a single dumbbell or sandbag, or a pair of dumbbells. Certain moves are more comfortable with a single heavier dumbbell rather then two but either way you can make it work. Since I was able to experience this first hand I suggest a total weight from 0 - 20 lbs. For example if you decide to test your might with 20lbs, you'll be holding two 10 lbs. In the video I was holding a 15 lb sandbag and that was enough. You'll see it briefly in some of the shots. 

Beginners: Many of these routines will have you getting up and going back down to the floor. In my opinion this is a basic move for anyone's fitness however if you are extremely overweight this could become a problem. As always modify modify modify. Instead of doing 20 reps for example do 5. Or maybe only go down half way. Either way I always suggest you try the move as long as you're not hurting yourself. 

The Sets - BRAND NEW
Beachbody really went all out this time scouting multiple different locations which will add some visual interest for you while you're trying to make it through these routines. If you can see through the sweat dripping in your eyes you'll notice there are 3 different locations: a field, USS Iowa battle ship and an airline hanger, where you'll find me. 

The Workouts
Info Coming Soon

Get Yours and #GetSome
This program still won't be available for a while but if you want to sign up to my email list and get updates as soon as they come out I'll keep you up-to-date. The link is on the right side of this page. 

Over the following months as more information is released I will be updating this page. I will also be sharing insights as to what is was like on set and any other insider info I can so make sure you keep checking back. 

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