Set and achieve YOUR goals for the New Years and beyond

3 Things that will help you SET and ACHIEVE your goals in 2014 and beyond...
Okay so it's that time of year again.  I don't know why people use this time to set personal goals but I'll leave that for another blog post.  For me 2013 was a year of taking chances and dreaming big.  I'm proud to say that 2013 was the year I broke out of my own self constructed 'box' and set out to achieve my dreams.  

I've learned a lot about setting goals and I want to share that with you so maybe you'll achieve some or all of the goals you are about to set.  It's my hope that by the end of this article you'll be inspired enough to dream big, set goals always and not allow a calendar that you didn't invent to guide your own goals.

1.  Set small goals that will lead to big changes
I want to lose weight, I will workout for an hour a day, I want to save more money and the list goes on and on.  I've discovered that most peoples dreams are serious life changing events.  Be honest with yourself, if you haven't been able to do these things thus far in your life it's unlikely you'll be able to do them any better on January 1st.

The key to making large changes is setting BOTH small and large goals.  Losing weight and working out for an hour a day are great goals but if you can't even workout for 15 minutes a day then you'll never make the full hour (or at least for any significant amount of time that will make a lasting change).  Instead of charging the gym on January 1st (or Jan 2nd if you had too much fun) set a goal of 15 minutes a day, 6 days a week for a month.  The consistency will be better for you, less of a change, and you'll be forming a habit instead of fighting old ones.  Keep adding 15 minutes each month until you get to your goal.

Why did you make a New Years resolution?  To make life changes right?  My point is this, who cares if you reach that goal in January or April?  The goal is to reach that goal an that's it.  By making small changes you increase your success rate exponentially and you don't have to set the same goal the next year.        

2.  Flexible planning
I see this same post on Facebook every year where every week for a year you're supposed to make a $1 incremental deposit into your saving account and by the end of the year you'll have saved approximately $1,300.  While this is a great goal I see a major flaw with this idea and that is that 'life happens.'  Sure January and February are easy but as the year goes on the deposits get larger and more difficult.  Do you really want to be making your largest deposits during the holiday season?

Why not print out the sheet and deposit as much as you can when you can and just check off the amounts as you make them?  This will alleviate stress around holidays, birthdays, anniversaries and other life events both planned and unplanned.  Personally I get some money around Christmas time so I should knock off the more expensive deposits then.

My point is that planning is important but flexible planning will last you longer and ultimately lead you to greater achievements.  The journey may be more important than the destination but it's got to be YOUR journey.  Keep your eye on the big picture and what works for YOU and YOUR life.    

3.  Don't be afraid to fail or have set backs
I started a 90 day workout program called P90X about 3 years ago.  I did it for about 2 weeks pretty religiously until I missed a day and then I quit for about a week.  I picked it back up and completed about 30 days until my grandmother passed away and I had to leave town for the funeral.  When I got back I had lost my momentum and couldn't find the motivation to get back into it.  A month or two later I decided enough was enough and started again this time for almost the full 90 days and quit yet again a week or two before I'd be done.  I forget the reason I quit now but I do remember how disappointed in myself I was.

Then it occurred to me, why am I doing this?  Am I doing this to complete a 90 day program or am I doing it to improve my health?  I had let the challenge of completing the program get in the way of the real picture. Now I workout and eat healthy for one reason and that's to live longer and live happier.

The point is to use failures and set backs as lessons and learn from them.  If it hadn't been for me quitting so much I might have completed the 90 day program and quit for good.  Instead my failures and set backs led me to a lifelong habit.  I think John Maxwell says it best, "Failure can be your best friend or your worst enemy, the choice is yours."

Bonus.  Challenge yourself
The opposite of goal setting is true too.  If you're setting goals that you're reaching too easily or too fast then you're not challenging yourself enough.  Don't be afraid to dream even bigger.

I don't know what your goals are for 2014 but don't fall into the trap of setting goals and not achieving them. Every year it seems like the same thing.  People make these life changing goals and quit within a matter of weeks.

Set yourself up with success by making short term and long term goals.  Make you short term goals attainable with little effort and allow those short term goals to add up to something great.  Allow your goals to be flexible and look at failure and set backs as a little friend giving you advice, and take it.  Most of all allow yourself to dream, dream big and never stop dreaming! 

Truth in MLM (Multi Level Marketing)

*This blog was originally posted 12/17/13 and updated to reflect new thoughts and opinions 12/17/15

I wanted to share MY truth and what I've learned about MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) systems over the past few years.  This blog isn't about recruiting you and I'm leaving the name of the MLM I am a part of out of it. This is meant to be an educational piece for people researching whether or not they should join a MLM company.

Let's clarify first (Wikipedia)...
"Multi-level marketing (MLM) is a marketing strategy in which the sales force is compensated not only for sales they personally generate, but also for the sales of the other salespeople that they recruit. This recruited sales force is referred to as the participant's "downline", and can provide multiple levels of compensation."
"Pyramid scheme is an unsustainable business model that involves promising participants payment or services, primarily for enrolling other people into the scheme, rather than supplying any real investment or sale of products or services to the public. These illegal in many countries."

If you get nothing else out of this article please recognize the differences between the two and 'judge' accordingly.  Multi Level Marketing is often confused with the Pyramid scheme which is where most of it's negative reputation spawns from.  Another source of negativity comes from peoples failed attempts at running a successful MLM business.  I'm sorry it didn't work for you but basing a systems integrity on your failure doesn't make the system (or company) unworthy. 

Okay... so you're considering joining a MLM which is pretty popular now-a-days because jobs aren't paying as much, people are looking for outside sources of income and MLM's have the opportunity to make your dreams come true.  Most people are skeptical and the truth is you shouldn't be.  What?!?  Why?  Because if you learn as much as you can, like anything in life, than you can make an informed decision.

So how do you make an informed decision?  By asking the right questions.  Here is a list of some of the questions I would ask, and if there aren't answers to these, then you have my permission to turn on your skeptical radar  :)
  1. Who is pitching you on the company?  Is this a friend, loved one, stranger?  What is their credibility?  Some people over look this part.  How well do you know the person pitching you the idea?  If it's a good friend then I'd hope they'd have your best interests at heart and if not, get some new friends.  If you don't know the person, get to know them.  Is there contact info readily available? Are they willing to set up a chat or answer your questions?  If not, shy away. Why would you want to join that person you can't get a hold of anyway? 

    And just because someone is new to a business opportunity doesn't mean you should automatically run away. They obviously see something you don't.  Allow them to share their vision before judging them on it.
  2. MLM's are business opportunities, that's it!  MLM's are opportunities to succeed, not guaranteed success.  If they guarantee anything that is a sign that you may need to start taking a few steps backwards.  Either your going to work towards the opportunity or you're not; but I can promise you if you don't put any work in you won't get anything out. 

    Think of an MLM as a job that hires everyone. Instead of a salary or hourly rate you get paid on your success and progress in that company.  Work = getting paid.  Not working = no pay.  It's up to you to decide if you're willing to do the work.  
  3. Getting rich quick? Be honest with yourself, it doesn't happen often.  The only people getting rich quick are the ones starting the business and getting millions of people to sign up.   If you're in the business to get rich quick, it's probably not going to happen.  Make sure you have a good reason to be in the business.

    Now to be fair define quick.  I know people in my MLM who worked their butt's off for 14 months and are making six figures.  That's pretty quick right?  Of course I'm sure it didn't seem quick at first. For others it may take 3-7 years to get into that range.   Whether it's 2 years or 7 years all I know is that earning six figures is better than I could do at my last job!
  4. Do you know anyone, or access to anyone who is making money doing this?  If so, how much?  Not everyone is willing to show you their income statements but I think it's important they give you a ballpark of how they're doing.  Or the company should have a statement of incomes earned by their members.  I've had people come onto my team who make more then I do and I've had people make less.  Either way it's a good idea to get some kind of idea.  
  5. Marketing: will you have to do it all by yourself?  This is a big one that is often overlooked. Assuming you're selling a product or a brand does anyone know about it already?  Are you going to have to ONE, convince people the brand is trustworthy, and then TWO sell them on the product?  If the brand is already well known then that cuts half your work, if not more, right there!
  6. What are the products (if any)?  Do you believe in or take the product?  Maybe you can share a product you don't use but I can't.  People aren't as stupid as we sometimes think they are.  If you're not excited about what you do they will sense it.  Steak knives may sell fast but how long until you become bored with them.  I have nothing against knives all I'm asking you to consider is try to find something you're passionate about.  
  7. Is there a membership fee and what is it going towards?  In the MLM's I've come across there is always a membership fee but the real question is where is that money going?  Is it going towards the support of your business or it is just going to the CEO?  Make sure that your money is going to support, services, web maintenance, etc and not to someones pocket.  Remember you're making them money by promoting and selling their products, they shouldn't also be making money off of your membership fees.
  8. Is there a support or training system?  Okay so I'm about to join, what kind of support do I get?  Is the person who recruited you going to help you?  Is there training material and if so is there an added cost for it?  Find someone who is going to stick with you on this journey and who you trust will help you.  I can't tell you how many people I see get lost in the system because their sponsors didn't help them.  It's very sad because many of these people could have been very successful and instead they left with a negative view on MLM's.
  9. Is there a need?  What is the longevity of the product?  How long has the product been around?  Is it brand new?  Does the company have a large catalog of products or are all their eggs in one basket? Candles, jewelry and makeup are all great until someone comes out with something better. Guess what, someone always does. Is your company continually innovating are is this a one time deal and you're just waiting around for a new company to take over?
  10. False Promises and Webpage Hits.  I've see this one emerging more and more.  I'm not an expert but MLM's that promise web traffic and fast commissions don't last.  You may make a nice paycheck here and there but most MLM's are based on repeat business, so find  a company where you are connecting and providing value to your customers, not just taking a quick buck or two.  Just because your reaching millions of people doesn't mean you can convert them to customers.  How often do you get spam email or ads and look right over them?    
  11. Happiness...  Here's one I think is often overlooked.  In all likelihood you're going to be in this business for a few years.  Does it make you happy?  Do you enjoy the business or is it just a pay check?  Find an MLM that will give you years if not a lifetime of happiness.  Not only will you never work a day in your life but your customers will sense that in you.
MLM's are real business opportunities but that's it.  It's an opportunity, either you take a hold of it and put in the work or you don't.  Just like you job if you show up and do nothing you get paid nothing.  Same thing here except in my opinion the rewards out-weigh the work far more then a typical job.  Check out my other blog where I give you a more personal review on that HERE.

I hope that this blog helps you make a more informed decision for your future and if this is something that is right for you!

The Details of P90X3

What special offer is associated with the release of P90X3?
All orders of P90X3, purchased from 12/10/13 through 12/31/13 will include a free P90X3 hat!

Is there a vegan meal plan option available for P90X3?
There will be vegan options included in the new P90X3 Nutrition Guide that will be available on December 10, 2013.
For tips and ideas on how to modify the P90X3 meal plan to be more vegan friendly, we encourage customers to post the topic on the Team Beachbody message boards ( We have dietary experts that monitor the posts and provide some great ideas and direction.

How long does it take to complete P90X3?
P90X3 is a 90 day program, split into 3 Blocks. Blocks 1 & 2 each consist of 4 weeks, while Block 3 lasts 5 weeks.
Additionally, the Elite Block calendar, which is an optional block to be completed AFTER the initial 90 days, lasts 4 weeks.
The Elite Block includes 3 workouts not included within the P90X3 Base Kit. These workouts and calendar can be found within the P90X3 Deluxe and Ultimate Kits. In addition, they can also be purchased separately.

How long are the workouts for P90X3?
All P90X3 workouts are 30 minutes. The lone exception is the X3 Ab Ripper workout (15 minutes), included within the Deluxe Kit. Most workouts include a 2-3 minute cool down period.

What is included in P90X3?
P90X3 Base Kit Includes:
  • 16 unique and brand new workouts on 8 DVDs
  • Plus, 5 Free Gifts
  • Fitness Guide
  • Nutrition Guide
  • 90 Day Workout Calendar
  • How to Accelerate Intro DVD
  • 24/7 Online Support
  • Network Exclusive P90X One on One: On One Leg DVD
  • Network Exclusive Premium P90X3 Hat ($24.95 value) - December Only!
Base Kit Pricing
  • Retail           $119.85 + S&H
  • Club             $107.87
  • Coach          $89.89 (90 PV)
P90X3 Deluxe Kit
Includes everything in the Base Kit PLUS:
  • 3 Elite Extreme workouts on 1 DVD
  • Includes free Elite Block Calendar
  • 1-Month E&E Tub
  • 3 B-Lines Resistance Bands
Deluxe Kit Pricing
  • Retail           $239.70 + S&H
  • Club             $215.73
  • Coach          $179.78 (180 PV)
P90X3 Ultimate Kit
Includes everything in the Base & Deluxe Kits PLUS:
  • 1-Month R&R Tub
  • Gym-Quality P90X® Chin-Up Bar
  • P90X® Chin-Up Max
  • Premium Beachbody Jump Mat
Ultimate Kit Pricing
  • Retail           $329.55 + S&H
  • Club             $296.60
  • Coach          $247.16 (247 PV)
P90X3 Challenge Pack
Retail Price: $205 (December Promotional Price: $180)
  • P90X3 Base Kit
  • 30-Day Supply of Shakeology HD
  • 30-Day VIP Team Beachbody Club Membership
What are the P90X3 workouts?

Product links. NOTE: These will NOT be active until end of day 12/10 when the products are live in the store.

What do the holidays mean to you?

Okay Thanksgiving is over, Black Friday is over and Cyber Monday is over.  All the deals are gone and if you didn't get your Christmas shopping done then it's probably on your to do list.  Is the end of November and all of December all about shopping and deals now?  I thought Thanksgiving was about you know... 'giving thanks,' and Christmas (at least for me) was about spending time with loved ones and celebrating the holiday season together.

I admit I do enjoy November because many of my friends partake in the every day in November "I'm thankful for..." post on their Facebook walls.   I also secretly enjoy the hearing about Black Friday craziness that has happened all over the country (ironically happening after Thanksgiving where we all just gave thanks).  I even check out the deals online but rarely ever buy anything.

With all that craziness and even more coming in December it can be hard to 'keep your eye on the prize,' and use what these holidays were meant for in my opinion; removing yourself from the daily stresses of your life and simply being happy and celebrating life.

I have TWO questions for you...

ONE - Giving Thanks and Thanksgiving
Why are you only thankful during November?  Or is it easy to put a 'cap' on the number of thankful posts you are required to do because there are only so many days until Thanksgiving?   Look, I'm not trying to 'knock' anyone who partakes in these posts but why not take it a step further, continue this all year round.

I've learned that in order to create a happier life we must always be giving thanks and praise to the people around us.  If you're not comfortable posting publicly then make sure to contact your friends, family, co-workers, etc every so often and just say thanks!  These actions have actually been proven to help make you a happier less stressful person.

TWO - Shopping and Black Friday
Okay so you've accumulated a bunch of stuff, now what?  Fine if your TV is broken and you want a new one I get it but I think most people just buy stuff to well, just buy stuff.  Is the new TV that's 4 inches bigger making your life any better?  Has waiting outside for hours on end for the latest deals made your life any better?  I can't tell you how often I look around my apartment at 'stuff' that hasn't really added any value to my life.  I mean, I wanted it at the time and now I can't remember why.

Here's my formula for everything I buy now.  I ask myself...
1.  Why am I buying this?
2.  Does this purchase improve my life?
3.  Does this purchase help me achieve my personal goals or dreams?

If I answer 'no' to the last two questions then I rethink why I'm buying whatever it is. This doesn't just work for buying things, it also works for spending you time.  We all complain about not having enough time yet we're constantly wasting it on things that don't matter.  YOUR health, YOUR family and friends, and YOUR dreams matter the most.  Spend your time, money, effort, and love on those items and less on everything else.

I read a quote once that went something like, "on your deathbed you're not gong to have wished you worked more, spent more time on the computer, or watched more TV.  You're going to wish you spent more time with friends and family, tried new things and experienced all that life has to offer."  I'm paraphrasing and adding my own words in but I think you get the point.  Spend your time, money and emotions where it matters the most.

This holiday season I challenge you to step back from the sales, the marketing, the traffic, the lines and all the stresses and think about what really matters the most to you.  Remember to breath when something doesn't go your way and start the New Year off with an entirely new view of the world and what you want to accomplish in it.

P.S. If you liked this post please check out one of my favorite speakers on 'Happiness' Shawn Achor.  He has an amazing TED Talk you can watch which I share with all my friends.  I listen to it about once a month.

My iPhone Backgrounds

I love changing the background of my iPhone for many reasons. Sometimes just for the season and sometimes for inspiration and helping me achieve my goal. I'm doing the work anyway why not share it with my friends? If there is something you' like me to create for your phone please let me know and I'll see if I can do it for ya! If not enjoy the backgrounds I've already made!

Here are some already created and ready for you!  If there is something cutomized you want hit me up and tell me what you want  I'll be adding more as people request them so check back for new additions!

Why I hate the holidays...

Okay I don't hate the holidays, I just wanted to see if that statement would get you to my page. I may be a huge fan of The Grinch but I do love the holidays.  Sure I've got my complaints like Christmas seems to come before Thanksgiving but whatever greedy people.  One holiday at a time please.  

So here we are again Mr. Thanksgiving.  Is it just me or do these holidays seem to come faster and faster the older I get?   Let's not stay on that topic too long...  :)

Thanksgiving... time to over indulge in delicious treats, large portions and hopefully a perfectly cooked turkey right?  WRONG!  Look, if you fear the holiday season it's probably because you've over indulged the rest of the damn year.  Instead this year I want you to indulge in portion control.  

I'm not talking about more water and veggies here, although you should do that.  I'm talking about remembering what Thanksgiving is truly about; giving thanks for what you have.  Life, love, happiness or whatever you want to give thanks for.  I challenge you to concentrate on those things this Thanksgiving instead of mindlessly hammering back food.  Take a little food off your plate, avoid the turkey comma and instead use that time to play with your grand kids, nieces or nephews.  Or stay awake and re-connect with a family member that maybe you've lost touch with.

Let's be honest you can eat turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing and gravy all year long.  Hell for about ten years I was addicted to a frozen dinner that was just that.  It was like Thanksgiving everyday for me.  I doubt if you practice a little self control this Thanksgiving you're going to walk away saying, "I wish I would have ate more so I can feel like crap now instead of being happy and comfortable."  If I'm wrong and you do, pick up that frozen dinner I was talking about  :)


Coming back to my original statement, use this holiday as it was meant for.  Enjoy time with your family and friends or hell give back to others less fortunate.  If you're reading this then I'm guessing you probably have the option of stuffing yourself fat during the holidays.  Many people are less fortunate and are hoping to eat at all on this day.  Give your time, maybe some money and your compassion to them.        
Okay Jimmie I'll 'try,' good point Jimmie, or I just don't care Jimmie it's Thanksgiving I'm going to eat.  Fine fine I can't win them all.  Anyways I want to tell you about Beachbody's Ultimate Reset program.  In 21 days and you're looking at a 10 lb weight loss and healthy detox of your system.  Looking forward to hearing from you soon new customer  :) 

If you want to know about me...
I'll be spending this Thanksgiving with some dear friends of mine who 'took me in' 3 years ago since my family is a little far away to fly out to for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Thank you to the Jacobs' for allowing me to share this day with you and your family for the past 3 years.    

Happy almost Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

I thought I'd do something different at the end of this blog.  My writing methodology is typically to jot down a ton of notes, and see if I can make it into something that flows and is relatively coherent later.  What if I shared my 'bloopers' with you and you could see some of the notes and unedited rants that didn't make it into the final blog.  I've never seen anyone do this before so here it is.  Normally this part below would have just been deleted.
How bout this, use thanksgiving, your one day of the year not to do this, over indulge.  What a crazy idea.

You're just going to stuff your face with delicious crap, pass out and miss that time with family anyway.  

Stop allowing these holidays to be an excuse and take control.  

Look here's how it goes.  You fill up on Thanksgiving then you have about a week until Christmas parties and family gathering start.  Oh wait, you don't have that week yout hought you didn because look at all those delcious left overs, can't let those got ot watse!.  Still you figure you have time but let's be serious you don't have or can't find the time to lose the Thanksgiving weight.

Then Christmas hits which is like a 2 - 3 week event and you're gaining even more.  Well why stop there? I already messed up my routine might as well keep eating.  We stil have left overs and New Years is right around the corner so I'll just start my weight loss journey then.

January hits and you're fired up and ready.  The problem is you have to use all of January to get rid of what you started at the end of November.  Crap.  So now you've been working your ass off all of January like the rest of the country and you're tired and less committed now.  January was hard!  Why was it so hard.  Because you let yourself fall out of routine for an entire month last year! 

Fb and the web are filled with recipes, some good some bad but treat the day for what it was meant for!    Thanksgiving is the ultimate social [word] of other people making others eat.  Break the streak of eating way to much and feeling like crap the next day.  I don't want to drink to much becasue I don't want a hangover, well the day/ hours after thanksgiving are the equivalent to a alcoholic hangover. 

Ok fine there's a bunch of delicious food at the table and you want some of it.  Change portions.  Cram a bunch of veggies in your system filling you up so there's not as much room for bad stuff.

Don't eat as much because you'll have more leftovers. 

Here's a secret... you can have turkey, stuffing, gravy and everything else every single day of the year. 

Get the Results You Want Now, Simplified

Disclaimer:  This blog IS NOT for the fitness models, body builders or athletes.  This is for the average person who wants above average results. Period.  This blog is also about transparency.  I'm not trying to sell anything or push any products.  Follow the rules below and you'll see results regardless of the tools or products you choose to use.   

I'd like to share with you the truth about getting the body you've always wanted but I'm going to warn you, you may not like the answer.  If you're anything like me you're tired of marketing ads telling you to take a magic pill or to buy this new scientifically proven piece of gym equipment that guarantees results or your money back.  I was tired too.

I bought the electroshock ab belt that turned into nothing more then a drinking game of who could crank it up to it's highest setting and keep it on the longest.  I bought into supplements because the guy/ girl selling them had a perfect physique that I too wanted.

At some point if you want serious long lasting and healthy results you have to finally give in to the truth.

Secret #1:  There is no secret.
There is no secret and you already know what to do.  I was chatting with a trainer/ gym owner once who told me he couldn't believe the number of his clients who paid for his services.  He told me he wasn't telling them anything they didn't already know and many times he would still have trouble getting them to do it. Here's the formula [WORKOUT + CLEAN NUTRITION + CONSISTENCY = RESULTS]  That's it.

(I don't want to dive into what 'clean nutrition' means since I have other blogs on that but basically if you have to question if it's healthy or not, it's not.)

If you want serious long lasting results you have to follow that formula.  Stop trying to look for shortcuts or magic supplements and as Nike says, 'just do it.'

Secret #2:  Stop cheating!
You are your own worst enemy when it comes to YOUR results (see cover image).

The fact is that trainers and nutritionists are with you for only an hour or two a day.  It's the time they're not with you where things go wrong.  You skip a workout because you're tired or you order a pizza because they're not around to give you that evil eye.  It comes down to willpower and choice, and we're given too much of both sometimes.

Stop doing research on what the latest celebrity did to transform themselves for a role.  Stop following these people in magazine ads and billboards advertising the latest juice, cleanse, or false promise.  Do exactly what you know you need to do and have known for a long time.  Workout and Eat Right.  It's so simple it's somehow become hard.

I used to get so caught up in ingredient lists, macro nutrient ratios, and other terms I can't even remember now.  The truth is if you're eating clean, those things don't really matter (please remember my disclaimer here.)  Stop doing research and get out and move, and when your done moving, eat your vegetables!   :)

Getting Results
Now that you've spent a few minutes reading what you've already known it's time to create a goal for yourself.  Maybe it's to loose a few pounds or maybe it's a complete transformation.  Either way remember secret #2 and DON'T CHEAT UNTIL YOU'VE REACHED YOUR GOAL.  This is probably the hardest part of the equation and you're probably going to have to give up some social outings, parties and events to complete this step.

I know how hard this is because I'm guilty of it too.  I'll have a great week, work out, eat right then Friday comes and I feel like having a drink or a cheat meal.  I'll say things like I had a good week I DESERVE it; or the opposite, I had a tough week I DESERVE it.   Or it's a holiday, or someone's birthday, or this event or that event either way I DESERVE it.  Here's another secret; stop always looking for a reason to cheat.  

Can someone please define DESERVE for me here?  Which part of your body DESERVES to be filled with crap?  Last time I checked your stomach, liver and kidneys (among others) don't like any of this stuff.  Even your bank account hates it when you go out for food and/or drinks.  Why do you DESERVE this food or drink, you haven't reached your goal yet?  So no you don't DESERVE it.  Reach your goal, then yes, you DESERVE it.

I know this approach may seem a little harsh but I truly want you to reach your goals.  In this day in age where time is priceless we want results and we want them fast.  Well like everything else that is worth while you're going to have to make some sacrifices.

I believe you're a smart person and know what needs to be done to get to your goals.  I think we've hid behind this wall of pretending not to know or getting a thousand opinions before ever doing something that we're actually believing it ourselves now. It's easier to claim not to know something then admit you actually do know and you're just not willing to put in the work.

Now it's up to you and how long you want to take to reach your goal?  You can set small goals, reach them, cheat a bit and get back on track (like most people) OR you can rip the band-aid right off and go in for the long haul of one, three, six or maybe even more months without cheating.

For me getting serious results is more of a scheduling issue and fighting off social events than anything else. If you fall into peer pressure easily try to stay away from major holidays and birthdays when scheduling your goals.  Find a partner who is willing to help you stay on track.  Also make sure when you have a goal you (for the time being) put it above some of your other priorities that can possibly throw you off track.  I've found it's much easier to maintain a fit body then achieve it so put in the work now as long as you need to to reach your goals.  Good luck!              

Jimmie's 10 Rules of Nutrition

Disclaimer:  I'm not a nutritionist.  I'm a normal person trying to find a healthy balance of working out, eating right and living a happy life. That being said these are some general rules to live by that will help everyone's lives. 

1.  You ACTUALLY aren't hungry, you're bored and thirsty, DRINK SOME WATER.

2.  There are too many rules on "this ingredient is good, this one is bad," and quite frankly most of them don't have conclusive scientific evidence either way.  Regardless, if you want to beat the system, eat single ingredient foods, then you don't have to worry about it.  Keep it simple!

3.  Try new ways of eating and use your own personal experience to determine what's right for you.  Try paleo, try vegan, try whatever, LEARN about how YOUR body reacts.

4.  Eat for YOUR goals, not someone else's.  Just because a super model or actor is eating a certain way, doesn't mean it's right for you.  Invest in a nutritionist now.  It may be a big investment but you can use the lessons you learn for the rest of your life.

5.  Vote and vote often.  Every time you buy something from the grocery store you're voting on that product being sold there.  If a store isn't selling a product than they'll stop stocking it.  Grocery stores are businesses.  It's simple, stop buying crap and the stores will stop selling it.  Together, we actually can make a difference. 

6.  If it's labeled as 'diet', 'healthy,' 'natural,' 'fat free' or any other lingo that is out there it generally isn't.  Companies use this as marketing to make you feel better about buying it.  The real foods (fruits, vegetables, etc) don't need these labels, because everyone already knows they're good for you.  Read twice before purchasing these items. 

7.  When in doubt look for labels that are HIGH in vitamin's & minerals, protein, and fiber; AND LOW in fats, carbs and sodium.

8.  Have cheat meals instead of cheat days.  Once you've mastered that, have cheat snacks instead of cheat meals.  After that, see how long you can go without cheating.

9.  Learn portion control.  It takes time for you stomach to tell your brain that you're full so give it some time.  When out to eat, order less then you plan on eating, you'll save money and maybe some inches off of the waist.  If you're still hungry, you can always order more.  I doubt the kitchen is going to run out of food.

10.  You're 100% in control of what you put in your mouth and body.  Period.

My Current Hurdle


This blog post is a current reflection of my own actions, habits and lifestyle; good and bad.

While looking back at my own health & fitness goals I gotta say, I'm on a pretty good path.  At least much better than I was any of the years before now.  I have found a good routine of maintaining my health & fitness which has taken me years to achieve.  Still... currently I don't seem to be moving forwards and I'm not moving backwards.  I'm comfortable; and being comfortable for me isn't comfortable!

I must admit my biggest hurdle for taking my health & fitness to the next level is drinking.  I LOVE MY MARTINI'S and I'm having an issue cutting back on them.  Hell it's taken me a few years to perfect my martini recipe, why would I waste all that time spent?!?  Ohhh they're so good and if you ever come over I'll make one for ya!  I still have the occasional beer or two but for the most part I try to stay away from them after reading this article (

Now to be fair to my little liquid friend the martini, he's not the full culprit of this story.  It's the decisions I'll make after having one of two of these suckers, usually leading me into some kind of late night crap food fest. It's a sad snowball effect.  Not to mention all of the other side effects alcohol has to your body that we rarely think or know about.

That all being said, one of my goals is to etch off those last few percentages of body fat, and this liquid heaven isn't helping.  I must say I've made some huge strides over the years.  It used to be that I would have 2-3 beers a night justifying my actions by complaining about the stress of my job or life in general.  It was an easy 'out' and it seemed to work, although I know there are much healthier ways to de-stress!

Now I keep my 'partying' to Friday and Saturday nights.  I'm not saying that I don't sway from that every now and then but it's kind of the deal I've made with myself.  So here's the problem, I'm a numbers guy.  If I'm drinking 2 nights of the week that's nearly a third of my week!  What the hell?!? How come the week seems so long and the weekends so short, yet somehow 2 days is almost a third of my week???  It sure doesn't seem like a third of my week is 'weekend time.'

What's also hard is that I love going out with my friends!  If you know me personally or follow me on Facebook you know we do some really fun and unique things almost every weekend!  The problem is many of these events include or have alcohol and I fall into peer pressure far too easily.  Okay okay I'll admit that I'm sometimes even the instigator!

So here's what I've come up with... I've created this card to help me with my goals.  I figure I can keep my schedule of 2 nights a week 2 drinks per night but that's it!  If I want to go crazy one night, I have to sacrifice a full night.  But the best part of this card (at least for me) is I won't want to cross off all the little martini's.  It's now a game and each time I cross one off I'm losing.   Also by having a visualization of what I could be giving up by having my little martini's, I'm hoping that will be enough to keep me away.  I'll let you know who wins!

I challenge you to this, if you're having problems quitting a habit that is keeping you from your goals do the same.  Track it, learn about it, and then come up with a plan to correct it.  You may not always win but progress is progress no matter how small.  In my example I turned my strength of loving challenges against my weakness the martini.  Do the same yourself.              

I don't have all the answers, I just take it day by day.  I look at the progress my own health & fitness has made over the past years and all I can do is be proud.  I know I'm on the right course and maybe by writing about this it will give me the push I need to do even better.  But in the end everyone has to make their own decisions and choices on what they want and what's important to them.

If you're having similar issues what are they?  And how have you found ways to overcome them?


Your WHY and why it matters

I wanted to discuss an idea I was introduced to a while back in Darren Hardy's book 'The Compound Effect.'  The entire book was a life changer for me (one of the only books I plan on reading at least once a year) and I wanted to share one particular section that I found really interesting.  That section had to do with our WHY.

The reason WHY you do something can be the deciding factor of whether or not you'll be successful or not. I believe when taking on new challenges most people map out a plan on how to get there; makes sense. Sometimes we get there, sometimes we don't.  If we don't, we often go back to the drawing board and map out a new plan.  We repeat this over and over until we either quit or succeed.

What if we don't succeed?  Are we just not capable of attaining our goals?  Or is the reason we failed because our WHY wasn't strong enough?  I'd like to argue that next time you're feeling down because something didn't go your way, consider changing the reason WHY you're doing something instead of changing your methods.  

Here's an example given to us in the book, I just really wanted to add the visualizations to it :)

If I laid out a 50ft 2x4 wooden board on the ground and asked you to walk across it for $100 would you?  I think most people would say yes, I mean what do you have to lose right?

What if I took that same wooden board and placed it across of two neighboring skyscrapers.  Would you now walk across it?  I'm guessing you'd say 'hell no!'

What if I said you need to walk across it or you would automatically die.  What would you do now?  I'm guessing you'd walk across the board now right?

The point of this example is to illustrate how important your WHY needs to be.  The wooden board and the distance didn't change in any of the examples above.  But the reason for WHY you were walking across it did. Sometimes you said YES and sometimes you said NO. The only difference between you saying YES or NO was the reason WHY you'd be walking across it.

So I challenge you to do this... the next time you're trying to achieve a goal and it isn't quite working out for you; instead of coming up with ways to change how to reach that goal, consider changing your WHY instead.

The great thing about having strong WHY's is that you can have as many of them as you like!  I've found the more the better, and some will be stronger than others.  Also multiple WHY's will help out when other WHY's fail. Wanting 6 packs abs will keep me away from McDonald's in the summer but that WHY may fail in the winter when I'm covered up.  But, if my WHY is to have 6 pack abs, not get cancer, and live as long of a life as possible; I'm pretty much covered for not going to a fast food joint.        

Let's face it, life is tough.  And when life gets tough the thing that separates the people who keep going from the people who quit is their WHY.  Make sure yours is strong and I believe there is nothing that can stop you from achieving any goals you set.

New 'Live Well' sign in my grocery store

I saw this the other day and I just had to write about it.  They renovated my local grocery store and put this in the middle of the store.  This new 'stay healthy' and 'live well' sign is, I'm assuming, their answer to living healthy?  A huge 'stay healthy' and 'live well' sign above the pills, supplements and other various drugs.  Way to go!  Ah... what I wouldn't give to meet the person who designed this.

Now I believe pills, supplements and drugs have their place in the world of health and nutrition but it seems as though that's the first place we turn to now-a-days.  Have an issue?  Hmm maybe there's a drug that can fix it.  I mean it certainly can't be something you're doing to yourself right?  

We all need to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for our actions, and in many cases our inaction's.  Just because some medical minds have come up with a solution to fixing YOUR problem doesn't mean you should  live like it's okay to continue to make the same mistakes.  And remember, you're not just affecting yourself anymore. Many of the people I see making these mistakes have children, and guess who they're learning from?  Telling your child to not do what you're doing simply doesn't work.  YOU HAVE TO BE THE EXAMPLE.

I want to keep this one short but my point is to take care of yourself and lead by example.  Be the change you want to see in the world, don't just sit back and complain about it.  I'll admit I'm not perfect or anywhere close, but I am trying.  Don't continually band-aid problems, start to look for ways to fix the origin of the problem instead.  I think if we all worked on this a little more we would see a lot of positive change all around us.

Why I Chose Network Marketing

I want to start by saying this IS NOT A BLOG ABOUT RECRUITING.  I'm not even going to mention which organization I'm a part of.  Of course that information is not hard to find.  Also this blog wasn't written to debunk any common myths related to Network Marketing.

This blog is about the reasons I joined Network Marketing and why I think more people should seriously consider it.  My hope is that after you read this you'll understand why I decided to pursue this lifestyle and hopefully, become a little more knowledgeable on what Network Marketing COULD do for you.

A scary statistic

I watched a documentary called "The Perfect Human Diet," and in this documentary it gave me a seriously scary statistic that I felt compelled to share and help visualize (see above image).  After doing some quick research on my own to verify these numbers I found out this.  Approximately 3,000 people died during the events of Sept. 11th and approximately 300,000 people die every year from obesity related deaths. Oh and I'm told that the obesity number is going up each year... yikes!

After doing some quick math, that is like Sept. 11th happening every 3.65 days!  Can you even imagine how horrific that would be?!?  The sad thing is that it is happening.  It's just not as visual as the events of Sept. 11th were.

Please note, the last thing I want to do is turn this into a blog about Sept. 11th.  I suppose I could have used a different event like WWI or WWII.         

The brave people in those buildings and planes didn't have a choice about their fate that day but we do. We can prevent the obesity crisis.  If you could have prevented an event like Sept. 11th you would have wouldn't you?  So why not help prevent a crisis that is killing 100 times more people?

Unfortunately we can't change what other people do, but we can change ourselves.  We can correct this problem all while at the same time making our lives happier and healthier.  I'm not saying we should stop having security in airports but looking solely at the statistics here it's not our greatest threat.  One of our greatest threats is staring right at us everyday.

If you're part of this 300,000 then I challenge you to make a change.  Start exercising and start eating right. Find the time and or money to save your own life.  If you're already living a healthy lifestyle I challenge you to help another.  Teach them what you know and help motivate them for a positive change.

If you'd like help from me I'd love to share my journey, daily habits, tips and tricks with you.  Please contact me at

Deaths from 9-11 approx 3,000 (
Deaths from obesity approx. 300,000 (

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