You Decide: TSA Full Body Scanners?

Airport Scan
I'm not going to start this blog post by trying to instill fear in you. You get enough of that everyday from just about every source of information you come in contact with. Instead I'm just going to give you the information I've found and then ask you to simply decide for yourself. ***Please note this article is intended to share the information I found about the safety of the full body scan. It is in no way intended to argue for or against the topic of these machines invading our privacy

NEW Egg Muffin Recipe

Egg Scared

Eggs are one of my favorite meals and snacks so I'm always looking for new ways to spruce them up a bit. When I found this idea online I just had to try it and now that I have I wanted to share it with you all too. Actually I literally drove to my grocery store to buy a muffin pan because I didn't have one. LOL.

My favorite egg snack still remains deviled eggs with hummus and hot sauce but this is definitely coming in 2nd place but 1st place when it comes to ease and speed. The recipe I originally found made these little egg pucks into egg muffin sandwiches but they also work great alone. Whatever works best for you. 

Here it is...

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