McDonalds Isn't the Problem, It's You.

McDonalds HealthI posted about this a little bit on my Facebook LIKE page but the topic has been so engrained in my head lately that I feel the only way to get it out is to share my thoughts with you here. 

I've been in the health & fitness field for many years now and I notice a ton of trends, myths, common mistakes and even common opinions. 

One common opinion I hear all the time is "fast food is poison," "McDonalds is the devil," "you'll get cancer if you eat that Big Mac" and the list goes on. Now I'm not here to argue any of these points because if we boil it down to the REAL PROBLEM, none of these things even matter.

6 Pack Secrets Revealed and Simplified

6 pack secrets
90% of people who ask me for fitness advice always ask me how to "get" a 6 pack. 9 out of 10 of those people who hear my advice glaze over, fade off and generally stop listening. Why? Well probably because they don't like my answer. 

Why would they not like my answer? Because I'm not telling them anything new. I'm simply reinforcing what they already know but are unwilling to do.

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