3 Day Refresh by Beachbody REVIEW

So you're looking for more info on this 3 Day Refresh by Beachbody. What better place to come then from someone who's actually done it! I tell you it came out at a great time because my closest friends and I had just spent a week in Las Vegas, I needed a good cleanse.

I'm going to assume you've done a bit of research already and been to Beachbody's website (LINK) so I don't want to waste your time with all that. I just want to give you my thoughts, meals and results. If you haven't check out this quick video explaining the program.

Changing a habit

Is there a habit you want to change? Of course there is. Let's be serious we all have habits some big, and small that we want to change but for whatever reason we just can't. I'd like to offer up a possible solution that recently worked for me.

Online Dating Pictures: How to Keep a Guys Attention?

Have you ever tried your hand at online dating?

For me it's turned up a big fat zero but I know friends who have built successful relationships so I remain hopeful. I'll go through phases of trying it, quitting and trying again but maybe I'm missing something that others seem to know. But this isn't about me. THIS IS FOR THE LADIES OUT THERE.

I've thumbed through my share of photo's online and with aps out there like Tinder, going through people is becoming faster then ever so if you really want to catch a guys attention you need to rethink your photo gallery selection.

That being said I'd like to share with you some major NO NO's I see all the time.  I want to share this because maybe you're an awesome women truly looking for the right guy but you're making some simple mistakes.  

Here We Go...

Fast, Easy and Cheap Way To Whiten Your Teeth

I've read about this before and kept it in the back of my mind as something I would do when I remembered. Time passed and I forgot until a friend of mine posted that she tried this same thing with good results.  Well I had 5 minutes to spare so I figured why not try it?!?

Day01 Results - Monday

Day02 Results - Tuesday

So what's the secret??? Here it is... using Activated Charcoal to whiten your teeth.

Simple 10 Minute Meal(s)

Chicken, Zucchini, Kale, Green Tea

Trust me I am no cook... I don't mind cooking and on many occasions even enjoy it but I only enjoy it when I'm cooking for someone else.  If it's just me, I've often been known to skip the meal instead of taking 10 minutes out to create something.  That being said, for the times that I do get off my lazy boo-tay this is typically what I create.  

It's nothing special but it's cheap, quick, healthy and I always feel great after the meal.  I can save a lot of time by chopping up my food all while the stove and oil is being heated up.  

To Do:
- Turn stove on and begin to heat pans and oil
- Take out veggies, meat, etc and begin chopping (Smaller pieces cook faster and also save time later dealing with a fork and knife).
- If steaming add foods to steamer.
- Add rest of food to pan and cook.

- Don't forget to add spices for flavor.

Fun Tip: Steaming, or so I've heard, takes out some of the nutrients during the process and leaves them in the water below.  I have no idea if there's any scientific proof to this or if it's even enough to matter but to combat this effect I simply use that water to make green tea!  The water is already hot so all I have to do is pour it into a glass and add the tea bag, viola!

That's it.  I always keep some kinda of veggies and meat around for a meal or even a quick snack.

Happy cooking!

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