Online Dating Pictures: How to Keep a Guys Attention?

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Have you ever tried your hand at online dating?

For me it's turned up a big fat zero but I know friends who have built successful relationships so I remain hopeful. I'll go through phases of trying it, quitting and trying again but maybe I'm missing something that others seem to know. But this isn't about me. THIS IS FOR THE LADIES OUT THERE.

I've thumbed through my share of photo's online and with aps out there like Tinder, going through people is becoming faster then ever so if you really want to catch a guys attention you need to rethink your photo gallery selection.

That being said I'd like to share with you some major NO NO's I see all the time.  I want to share this because maybe you're an awesome women truly looking for the right guy but you're making some simple mistakes.  

Here We Go...

1.  Take your damn sunglasses off! Maybe this is an LA one but holy crap, we don't want to see 5 images of you in sunglasses we want to see your beautiful face. Nothing is more annoying then going through photos of a women and still not knowing what she looks like. If you're serious about forming a relationship with a man, take your damn sunglasses off!

2.  Don't kill the messenger but I feel I need to be honest... we all have a number on that scale of 1-10.  If all your friends are 2-3 points higher then you with big boobs hanging out guess who we're looking at? I'm sorry but men are visual creatures, learn to crop.

3.  You're 'selling' yourself, not your pet and definitely not the sunset. If you have photos on your profile that don't even have you in them, get them out. If a guy is truly interested in dating you he will read your profile so put your likes and interests there OR at the very least include yourself in the photo.   

4.  If you're a model/ actress/ whatever, I'm sure you have at one time taken a photo that wasn't professionally done right? I cant stand profiles where each photo was obviously taken with hours of makeup and professional lighting. I use Photoshop, I know what it can do! Add some normal photos of yourself in there. I'm sure you look absolutely beautiful in your photo's but if you're serious about a relationship, most of the time you spend with a significant is not on set.  

5.  SMILE!  Okay if you're into some weird scene where happiness is banned then maybe not but we don't want to feel depressed after we've gone through your photo album.

6.  CROP CROP CROP. Get your damn friends out of your pictures or at least don't lead off with these photos.  I can't tell you how many times I've had to play Where's Waldo to find out which women is actually the single one! 

7.  I want to be sensitive here but ladies include a full body shot. It doesn't need to be a bikini shot or anything but hey if you've got it flaunt it.  GUYS ARE VISUAL so play to that unchangeable fact. But if your body isn't in top notch shape or you're keeping around a few extra pounds we also don't want to be surprised when we first meet. You're looking for someone who will truly love you so as much as it may suck, don't hide. Look at it this way, it's an easy way to weed out guys who aren't going to be that into you anyways. Same advice goes for us too!

Keep it simple. I like a nice head or face shot, a body shot, and a smiling shot.  This is enough to tell me if I want to continue to try and go further with you. Other shots like you doing your favorite activity are great and it tells me a little more about you but please at least make sure to have the minimum of those 3 pics.

Happy hunting :)

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