My iPhone Backgrounds

I love changing the background of my iPhone for many reasons. Sometimes just for the season and sometimes for inspiration and helping me achieve my goal. I'm doing the work anyway why not share it with my friends? If there is something you' like me to create for your phone please let me know and I'll see if I can do it for ya! If not enjoy the backgrounds I've already made!

Here are some already created and ready for you!  If there is something cutomized you want hit me up and tell me what you want  I'll be adding more as people request them so check back for new additions!

Why I hate the holidays...

Okay I don't hate the holidays, I just wanted to see if that statement would get you to my page. I may be a huge fan of The Grinch but I do love the holidays.  Sure I've got my complaints like Christmas seems to come before Thanksgiving but whatever greedy people.  One holiday at a time please.  

So here we are again Mr. Thanksgiving.  Is it just me or do these holidays seem to come faster and faster the older I get?   Let's not stay on that topic too long...  :)

Thanksgiving... time to over indulge in delicious treats, large portions and hopefully a perfectly cooked turkey right?  WRONG!  Look, if you fear the holiday season it's probably because you've over indulged the rest of the damn year.  Instead this year I want you to indulge in portion control.  

I'm not talking about more water and veggies here, although you should do that.  I'm talking about remembering what Thanksgiving is truly about; giving thanks for what you have.  Life, love, happiness or whatever you want to give thanks for.  I challenge you to concentrate on those things this Thanksgiving instead of mindlessly hammering back food.  Take a little food off your plate, avoid the turkey comma and instead use that time to play with your grand kids, nieces or nephews.  Or stay awake and re-connect with a family member that maybe you've lost touch with.

Let's be honest you can eat turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing and gravy all year long.  Hell for about ten years I was addicted to a frozen dinner that was just that.  It was like Thanksgiving everyday for me.  I doubt if you practice a little self control this Thanksgiving you're going to walk away saying, "I wish I would have ate more so I can feel like crap now instead of being happy and comfortable."  If I'm wrong and you do, pick up that frozen dinner I was talking about  :)


Coming back to my original statement, use this holiday as it was meant for.  Enjoy time with your family and friends or hell give back to others less fortunate.  If you're reading this then I'm guessing you probably have the option of stuffing yourself fat during the holidays.  Many people are less fortunate and are hoping to eat at all on this day.  Give your time, maybe some money and your compassion to them.        
Okay Jimmie I'll 'try,' good point Jimmie, or I just don't care Jimmie it's Thanksgiving I'm going to eat.  Fine fine I can't win them all.  Anyways I want to tell you about Beachbody's Ultimate Reset program.  In 21 days and you're looking at a 10 lb weight loss and healthy detox of your system.  Looking forward to hearing from you soon new customer  :) 

If you want to know about me...
I'll be spending this Thanksgiving with some dear friends of mine who 'took me in' 3 years ago since my family is a little far away to fly out to for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Thank you to the Jacobs' for allowing me to share this day with you and your family for the past 3 years.    

Happy almost Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

I thought I'd do something different at the end of this blog.  My writing methodology is typically to jot down a ton of notes, and see if I can make it into something that flows and is relatively coherent later.  What if I shared my 'bloopers' with you and you could see some of the notes and unedited rants that didn't make it into the final blog.  I've never seen anyone do this before so here it is.  Normally this part below would have just been deleted.
How bout this, use thanksgiving, your one day of the year not to do this, over indulge.  What a crazy idea.

You're just going to stuff your face with delicious crap, pass out and miss that time with family anyway.  

Stop allowing these holidays to be an excuse and take control.  

Look here's how it goes.  You fill up on Thanksgiving then you have about a week until Christmas parties and family gathering start.  Oh wait, you don't have that week yout hought you didn because look at all those delcious left overs, can't let those got ot watse!.  Still you figure you have time but let's be serious you don't have or can't find the time to lose the Thanksgiving weight.

Then Christmas hits which is like a 2 - 3 week event and you're gaining even more.  Well why stop there? I already messed up my routine might as well keep eating.  We stil have left overs and New Years is right around the corner so I'll just start my weight loss journey then.

January hits and you're fired up and ready.  The problem is you have to use all of January to get rid of what you started at the end of November.  Crap.  So now you've been working your ass off all of January like the rest of the country and you're tired and less committed now.  January was hard!  Why was it so hard.  Because you let yourself fall out of routine for an entire month last year! 

Fb and the web are filled with recipes, some good some bad but treat the day for what it was meant for!    Thanksgiving is the ultimate social [word] of other people making others eat.  Break the streak of eating way to much and feeling like crap the next day.  I don't want to drink to much becasue I don't want a hangover, well the day/ hours after thanksgiving are the equivalent to a alcoholic hangover. 

Ok fine there's a bunch of delicious food at the table and you want some of it.  Change portions.  Cram a bunch of veggies in your system filling you up so there's not as much room for bad stuff.

Don't eat as much because you'll have more leftovers. 

Here's a secret... you can have turkey, stuffing, gravy and everything else every single day of the year. 

Get the Results You Want Now, Simplified

Disclaimer:  This blog IS NOT for the fitness models, body builders or athletes.  This is for the average person who wants above average results. Period.  This blog is also about transparency.  I'm not trying to sell anything or push any products.  Follow the rules below and you'll see results regardless of the tools or products you choose to use.   

I'd like to share with you the truth about getting the body you've always wanted but I'm going to warn you, you may not like the answer.  If you're anything like me you're tired of marketing ads telling you to take a magic pill or to buy this new scientifically proven piece of gym equipment that guarantees results or your money back.  I was tired too.

I bought the electroshock ab belt that turned into nothing more then a drinking game of who could crank it up to it's highest setting and keep it on the longest.  I bought into supplements because the guy/ girl selling them had a perfect physique that I too wanted.

At some point if you want serious long lasting and healthy results you have to finally give in to the truth.

Secret #1:  There is no secret.
There is no secret and you already know what to do.  I was chatting with a trainer/ gym owner once who told me he couldn't believe the number of his clients who paid for his services.  He told me he wasn't telling them anything they didn't already know and many times he would still have trouble getting them to do it. Here's the formula [WORKOUT + CLEAN NUTRITION + CONSISTENCY = RESULTS]  That's it.

(I don't want to dive into what 'clean nutrition' means since I have other blogs on that but basically if you have to question if it's healthy or not, it's not.)

If you want serious long lasting results you have to follow that formula.  Stop trying to look for shortcuts or magic supplements and as Nike says, 'just do it.'

Secret #2:  Stop cheating!
You are your own worst enemy when it comes to YOUR results (see cover image).

The fact is that trainers and nutritionists are with you for only an hour or two a day.  It's the time they're not with you where things go wrong.  You skip a workout because you're tired or you order a pizza because they're not around to give you that evil eye.  It comes down to willpower and choice, and we're given too much of both sometimes.

Stop doing research on what the latest celebrity did to transform themselves for a role.  Stop following these people in magazine ads and billboards advertising the latest juice, cleanse, or false promise.  Do exactly what you know you need to do and have known for a long time.  Workout and Eat Right.  It's so simple it's somehow become hard.

I used to get so caught up in ingredient lists, macro nutrient ratios, and other terms I can't even remember now.  The truth is if you're eating clean, those things don't really matter (please remember my disclaimer here.)  Stop doing research and get out and move, and when your done moving, eat your vegetables!   :)

Getting Results
Now that you've spent a few minutes reading what you've already known it's time to create a goal for yourself.  Maybe it's to loose a few pounds or maybe it's a complete transformation.  Either way remember secret #2 and DON'T CHEAT UNTIL YOU'VE REACHED YOUR GOAL.  This is probably the hardest part of the equation and you're probably going to have to give up some social outings, parties and events to complete this step.

I know how hard this is because I'm guilty of it too.  I'll have a great week, work out, eat right then Friday comes and I feel like having a drink or a cheat meal.  I'll say things like I had a good week I DESERVE it; or the opposite, I had a tough week I DESERVE it.   Or it's a holiday, or someone's birthday, or this event or that event either way I DESERVE it.  Here's another secret; stop always looking for a reason to cheat.  

Can someone please define DESERVE for me here?  Which part of your body DESERVES to be filled with crap?  Last time I checked your stomach, liver and kidneys (among others) don't like any of this stuff.  Even your bank account hates it when you go out for food and/or drinks.  Why do you DESERVE this food or drink, you haven't reached your goal yet?  So no you don't DESERVE it.  Reach your goal, then yes, you DESERVE it.

I know this approach may seem a little harsh but I truly want you to reach your goals.  In this day in age where time is priceless we want results and we want them fast.  Well like everything else that is worth while you're going to have to make some sacrifices.

I believe you're a smart person and know what needs to be done to get to your goals.  I think we've hid behind this wall of pretending not to know or getting a thousand opinions before ever doing something that we're actually believing it ourselves now. It's easier to claim not to know something then admit you actually do know and you're just not willing to put in the work.

Now it's up to you and how long you want to take to reach your goal?  You can set small goals, reach them, cheat a bit and get back on track (like most people) OR you can rip the band-aid right off and go in for the long haul of one, three, six or maybe even more months without cheating.

For me getting serious results is more of a scheduling issue and fighting off social events than anything else. If you fall into peer pressure easily try to stay away from major holidays and birthdays when scheduling your goals.  Find a partner who is willing to help you stay on track.  Also make sure when you have a goal you (for the time being) put it above some of your other priorities that can possibly throw you off track.  I've found it's much easier to maintain a fit body then achieve it so put in the work now as long as you need to to reach your goals.  Good luck!              

Jimmie's 10 Rules of Nutrition

Disclaimer:  I'm not a nutritionist.  I'm a normal person trying to find a healthy balance of working out, eating right and living a happy life. That being said these are some general rules to live by that will help everyone's lives. 

1.  You ACTUALLY aren't hungry, you're bored and thirsty, DRINK SOME WATER.

2.  There are too many rules on "this ingredient is good, this one is bad," and quite frankly most of them don't have conclusive scientific evidence either way.  Regardless, if you want to beat the system, eat single ingredient foods, then you don't have to worry about it.  Keep it simple!

3.  Try new ways of eating and use your own personal experience to determine what's right for you.  Try paleo, try vegan, try whatever, LEARN about how YOUR body reacts.

4.  Eat for YOUR goals, not someone else's.  Just because a super model or actor is eating a certain way, doesn't mean it's right for you.  Invest in a nutritionist now.  It may be a big investment but you can use the lessons you learn for the rest of your life.

5.  Vote and vote often.  Every time you buy something from the grocery store you're voting on that product being sold there.  If a store isn't selling a product than they'll stop stocking it.  Grocery stores are businesses.  It's simple, stop buying crap and the stores will stop selling it.  Together, we actually can make a difference. 

6.  If it's labeled as 'diet', 'healthy,' 'natural,' 'fat free' or any other lingo that is out there it generally isn't.  Companies use this as marketing to make you feel better about buying it.  The real foods (fruits, vegetables, etc) don't need these labels, because everyone already knows they're good for you.  Read twice before purchasing these items. 

7.  When in doubt look for labels that are HIGH in vitamin's & minerals, protein, and fiber; AND LOW in fats, carbs and sodium.

8.  Have cheat meals instead of cheat days.  Once you've mastered that, have cheat snacks instead of cheat meals.  After that, see how long you can go without cheating.

9.  Learn portion control.  It takes time for you stomach to tell your brain that you're full so give it some time.  When out to eat, order less then you plan on eating, you'll save money and maybe some inches off of the waist.  If you're still hungry, you can always order more.  I doubt the kitchen is going to run out of food.

10.  You're 100% in control of what you put in your mouth and body.  Period.

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