I know if you'll be SUCCESSFUL or NOT

Want to know a secret? I've talked to and coached hundreds of people on their fitness and nutrition and I know within the first 30 seconds of talking to you if you're going to be successful or not.

It doesn't even matter what your goal is. This isn't just a theory of mine either. It has been validated over and over again.

First Time Challengers Give Advice

Dog Cape
As you may or may not know I believe in TRUTH. I believe that experience is the best teacher and that we're all on the same path to fulfillment. 

With that in mind I host private groups online where people get together to accomplish their fitness and nutritional goals. Generally the people in these groups are either new or getting back into their fitness and nutritional routines and realize the power of peer-to-peer support. We all get to learn real first hand experienced truths from each other while helping each other succeed. 

One of my groups just finished their first month so I asked them an interesting question.

ONE TIP for Simple and Effective Weight Loss

Woman Scale
LOSING WEIGHT... This is an interesting topic and although new fads and gimmicks come out just about every 3 months the way to lose weight hasn't changed in over 50 years (I just made up a number by the way). You see when it comes to losing weight I believe in the TRUTH.

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