First Time Challengers Give Advice
Thursday, February 12, 2015
As you may or may not know I believe in TRUTH. I believe that experience is the best teacher and that we're all on the same path to fulfillment.
With that in mind I host private groups online where people get together to accomplish their fitness and nutritional goals. Generally the people in these groups are either new or getting back into their fitness and nutritional routines and realize the power of peer-to-peer support. We all get to learn real first hand experienced truths from each other while helping each other succeed.
I asked them...
"What is one piece of advice you would give new challengers who are just joining us in this group?"
"What would you tell your past self knowing what you now know in order to be successful?"
Here's what they said...
"STOP OVER THINKING!!! If you jack one day up, LEAVE IT IN THE PAST! Tomorrow is a new day AND your goal is one day closer! You can and will do this! Its for YOU and no one else!!!"
"I'd say, as always, focus on progression not perfection. Success doesn't come from the days where everything works out and goes right. Success comes from overcoming the challenging days and making the best of them and not giving up." - Jimmie (me)
"Focus on winning on day at a time. Each day you feel successful makes you want to keep going the next day. If you look at the entire journey, it can seem overwhelming. Asking, "what can I do that's better now than what I was doing before?" keeps you taking that next step forward."