21 Day Fix Extreme - My Results and Thoughts

Monday, March 02, 2015

So I did it, I completed the 21 Day Fix Extreme program and I am so proud of myself. It's only 3 weeks but it just seems as I get older it's harder and harder for me to commit to things. Maybe I'm developing that "can't teach an old go new tricks" thing. It's not that old dogs (people) can't learn, it's that they are just too damn lazy. I hope I'm not developing that habit.

So here are my results...
I lost 7 total pounds and almost 2 inches off of my waist. My chest and arms stayed the same (thank goodness) and honestly that's all I was tracking. But the real accomplishement for me is much deeper then some weight and inches; it's from proving to myself I could actually do it.

I don't want to waste time here describing the program or the containers because there are far better resources out there for that. You can also check out my SHOP page where you'll find a sizzle reel for this program that descrbes a bit about it.
No Excuses
If you're going to invest your time into this program this is really what you're investing in. A simple and learnable solution to gaining control of your eating habits. Both the original and extreme version follow a similar grocery list and portion control except the extreme version "cuts the fat off" the grocery list. 
  • Why Invest in the Extreme Version? VARIATION. This is why I love this program you can chose your level of commitment. Baseline, Intermediate or Extreme. The Baseline can be used for weight loss, weight gain or maintenance. It's an all around healthy portion controlled lifestyle anyone can live off of and adopt. Intermediate and Extreme are where you're looking to really see what you're made of. I chose to do the Extreme version knowing I would be able to fully follow it but you know what they say, "shoot for the moon because even if you miss you'll land upon the stars." That's exactly what happened. 
  • You Get the REAL Deal. I 100% believe in trainers, nutritionist and competition experts but for someone who just wants to dabble in the idea, I don't have a grand to throw done on meal plans and workouts. I just want to figure it out on my own since I have no ultimate goal other then have some fun and learn about my body. Here you get Autumn's exact meal plan she uses for mere pennies of what a trainer would cost. 

I'll tell you the truth here, I didn't follow her plan. I have my own goals and they're largely based in the gymnastics and American Ninja Warrior world. That being said the days I wasn't doing my more unique training you better bet I was putting in these workouts and they're no joke. 
  • TRUE Health. Variety Variety Variety. If you haven't already noticed a theme in my pages, blogs or comments I believe serial treadmill and cardio junkies have it all backwards. Your body wasn't meant to do the same thing day in and day out PLUS it's boring. I am a huge advocate of 21 Day Fix (both versions) and P90X for ONE SIMPLE REASON... the variety. You will work all aspects of your fitness including Plyometrics, Resistance training, Yoga, Pilates and the list goes on - and yes even Cardio. 
21 Day Transformation
Full Body Results
Ok so now some final thoughts and tips I'd like to share with you. 
  • Learn How to Cheat. I'm going to assume you're going to cheat at some point during this, sorry. I go with the statistics. I cheated, I was craving chocolate among other things so I cheated. Most important though is recognizing that you're going down a slippery slope and modifying your cheats. When I wanted chocolate I didn't buy a bag of Hersey's chemical  laced ingredient crap, I bought 90-100% Cacao and nibbled on that. It was by no means as delicious as the other stuff but it calmed my cravings down just enough to get by.
  • Options. I always kept healthy food on hand. One reason we buy fast food and other junk is because we come up with this story in our minds that it's our only option (which is just not true). Instead I packed my car with healthy items I could keep in there and came up with go to solutions I could grab at any grocery store around any corner. This was monumental in my success. 
  • Let it GO, Let it GO. I learned to let go of perfection. I'm not perfect neither are you... sorry. So why do we tend to hold ourselves to these perfect standards? Before I started I got my mind right and ACCEPTED the fact that it wasn't going to be perfect and that I was going to struggle a bit... and that's okay. Once I took that pressure off myself solutions began to form all around me instead of excuses and road blocks. 

More Thoughts

Moving Forward
Honestly reflecting back there's so much more that I learned I'm sure it will come out in a series of blogs. For right now I'm going to reflect on my journey and brainstorm how I can now provide my fellow challengers value and assistance with their journey. It's time to pay it forward and help others!

If you'd like to join my group and get my full reviews, lessons and one-on-one coaching from me us the "Contact Me Now" box on the right and tell me a bit about yourself.

- Jimmie

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