Fixing the problem, not just putting a band-aid over it.

OMG I don't know what to think about this. For some people I think this is actually necessary, but it's sad we need things like this. 

I understand what the inventor is doing, he's trying to help people from gaining unnecessary weight and not feel so full.  Can't really argue that, it's a helpful invention.  This is only one of these types of inventions out there.  My argument is that we need to start putting our time into fixing and curing our problems, not just temporarily alternating them.  What's next after the fork?  A plate that only dispenses food at a certain rate!  Or I say if we really want this fork to work don't just have it vibrate when you eat too fast; have it shock the hell out of you and then yell, "stop eating so fast fat ass!"  Maybe that last part is a little harsh but hopefully you get what I'm trying to say here.

Help yourself by fixing the underlying problem.  The problem is our eating habits.  To me it seems like we've created a nation based on 'if it can make you rich, do it!  No matter the cost to others.'  Will my methods take a little more work.  YES.  But they will set you up for a lifestyle or health and happiness.  And guess what, they're free!  So stop spending money on the latest scale, or exercise band, or pills and get to the root of the problem!

Here are some SIMPLE & FREE ways to stop eating so much and to lose weight!

1. Drink a glass of water 15 min before your meal.  This will prepare your body for the meal and it will make you feel fuller faster!

2. Use smaller plates, instead of large ones.  Sometimes we can perceive being full by seeing the amount we are eating.  This will also help eliminate waste of food and money.  

3. Remember it takes your brain 20 min to realize its full.  Before going up for seconds wait for a little bit, or try chewing more.  We've all heard this one before but at the very least it will help you enjoy the flavor of your food for longer.  You don't need 10 bites of food, take 5 and chew them twice as long!  

4. Eat more veggies! In case you can't do the other 3, well at least you're just jamming vegetables into your system, can't do as much harm there. :)

I'm not trying to discredit this invention or any others that help people lose weight   If it works for you then that's really all that matters.  But while this is helping you please also concentrate on the real underlying problems and be working on those as well.  Solving those problems is what will lead you to a healthier longer lasting life.

How We Treat Ourselves

WARNING:  This is going to be a rant.
I saw this image the other day and really wanted to share it.  You know how some quotes, some images, or some ideas reach you more then others?  This image did it for me.  It's amazing at how badly we treat ourselves.   

Now I'm not going to pretend that I'm some saint when it comes to eating healthy.  I mess up all the time.  I give into urges, I'll have a few too many drinks, and I eat the entire bag of chips pretending like it didn't count because most of it was air anyway!  The important thing is that I'm trying every day, every week, and every month to better myself!

I think the main reason this image gets to me so much is because of all the people I see doing this; treating their bodies like a waste basket.  Shoveling junk into their mouths everyday and then complaining that they're tired, over weight, and not happy.  Look, it's your body and your choice to do whatever you want with it, but please don't treat it badly then act surprised when you have to call out sick or start sweating going up a flight of stairs.  Most of us have been given the privilege of being able to choose what we put in our mouths and sadly enough, this is too much responsibility for most people.

I used to board a flight hoping not to get put next to a crying baby.  Now I'd happily take the baby over an overweight person who's going to take up half of my seat making my entire trip very uncomfortable.  I mean what I can I say to them?

Seeing this image just re-affirms how important my job is to help educate and inspire people to live happier healthier lives. I'm not claiming to be an expert in health, fitness or nutrition, or have all the answers, but I feel we must try and help our family, friends and people around us because ultimately they will affect the generations below us who are learning from our bad habits.

If you agree then please take some time to help someone around you. Or better yet, make sure you are taking care of yourself first and hopefully your actions will inspire others to do so as well.

ON EXERCISE: I want to I just don't have enough time!

I DON'T HAVE THE TIME:  This is probably one of the most widely used reasons/ excuses that I come across.  Now I call it a reason/ excuse because we often refer to it as a reason, but in most cases it's just an excuse.  Be honest with yourself, it's an excuse because you don't want to give up a block of time to get in a workout!

If you're willing to admit that this is the case, or that you need help finding a block of time to get in a workout then I want to help!  If you have given up all hope and swear up and down that you absolutely do not even have 10-15 minutes in your day then I want you to read these two quotes real quick.  

"Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson and Albert Einstein." - H. Jackson Brown

"Columbus traveled the world in a sailboat... and you don't have time to get to the gym?" - unknown

If you're still with me let's start.  The biggest mistake people make when starting to workout is they make it a chore, or they build it up to be a bigger deal then it is.  Please please please don't fall into this trap!

Another mistake I see is that people believe working out has to be a bigger time commitment then it is.  Now let's be clear, I'm talking about someone who wants to maintain their health, not a fitness model or a professional athlete.  For the average person who wants to maintain a healthy weight, they can easily get away with 10 minutes a day of exercise.  10 minutes that's it!  Now tell me you don't have 10 minutes to workout.

I realize 10 minutes may not sound like a lot of time, or you may be wondering how effective 10 minutes can be.  Well, it's not going to get you a 6 pack tomorrow but it will compound its effectiveness over time, similar to a savings account.  Not to mention 10 minutes a day is always better then doing nothing!  So where do you find this time?

Let's get creative!
I'm busy with the kid(s):  Instead of watching your children play video games, join them outside or in an area where they can run around and play tag or freeze!  Not only will you both be getting exercise but you will be bonding with them!  Okay your child is too young, use them as a weight and do exercises with them!

I have to watch my TV show(s):  Fine I'm not going to judge this one!  Everyone hates commercials.  Pick an exercise move and do it during the commercials.  Jumping Jacks, Squats, Push Ups, Pull Ups, Sit Ups, Running in place, Burp E's, etc!  Trust me doing push ups for 2-3 minutes straight is not easy!

I'm way to out of shape:  I get it, push ups and running 5 miles just aren't in your circle yet.  Modify the movements above.  Instead of push ups on the floor, do them against a wall.  Instead of running, walk.  The idea here is to move.  You got the way your are by not moving enough, you'll have to do the opposite to get back out of it!

I have an injury:  I'm not a doctor and you shouldn't do anything that will hurt yourself but there is always something you can do (I'm assuming you're not in a full body cast).  Knees hurt, do upper body.  The point here is to get creative and do what you can, don't focus on what you can't.

I really and truly don't have any time, I'm busier then Albert Einstein!:  Ok fine, I see I'm not going to win this battle!  I know you have time to eat!  Eat healthy and lower your caloric intake by 100 calories every day.  Do both of these things and you will see weight lose.  Try Shakeology to help with eating healthier and for lowering your caloric intake!

Looking for a program that will keep you on schedule and give you the nutrition you need?  Try this...

10 Minute Trainer Challenge Pack GET IT HERE

Okay I'm done.  The point here is to do something EVERYDAY for at least 10 minutes.  You owe it yourself and you will be happy you did.  You will lose weight, have more energy, and even increase you brain function and happiness level!  In the end of the day you have to make the decision to change your life.  No one can make it for you!  So go, make a change!

How I got into Shakeology.

I want to start off with the fact that YES, I AM A BEACHBODY COACH.



Okay, now that I got that out of the way we can dig into the subject.  There is too much online now that is marketing and just plain lies, and it bugs me!  If you're still with me here's my story on how I got acquainted with Shakeology.

January of 2012 I was doing P90X probably for my 3rd or 4th time (I had started and stopped a lot!).  If you've done any of the Beachbody programs you know at the end they have ads for Shakeology and their other products.  I kept seeing this ad for Shakeology and kept asking myself, 'Does it really work?' or is it 'Just a way to get $$$ from customers?'

Well I sat on those question for a few months before coming to two conclusions.  ONE, I love P90X and it is absolutely one of the best products I have ever purchased.  Would a company that provides such a quality product produce crap in their other products?  I figured not likely.  TWO, it was bothering me so much it was worth the $$$ to find out if this stuff actually works!  

So first I did some research on it.  I came across something interesting, no one had anything really negative to say about it.  I mean sure you get the occasional person who didn't like the taste but that's going to happen with any type of food product.  Not to mention there were recipes everywhere, I figured if I didn't like the taste I could mix it with some healthy stuff I did like.  Okay,enough thinking on my end, time to try it.  

So I bought a bag of their Greenberry flavor.  Now to be honest, I wasn't a huge fan of the flavor, but I kept replaying the ads in my head and knew how good this stuff was or me.  That really helped me drink it.  Also at the time I didn't eat breakfast.  I'd much rather sleep in and also I was never hungry for solid foods early in the morning, but oddly enough I didn't mind drinking a shake.  Okay bonus there, I have finally figured out how to have breakfast!

I noticed something right away, I was feeling better!  Not in just one area of my body, but in general.  Everything just seemed better.  If that wasn't enough to keep me drinking this strange green liquid was the fact that if I started my day out eating healthy, it made me work that much harder the rest of the day to continue eating healthy.  Bonus!

I finished up my Greenberry and quickly changed to the Chocolate flavor the next month and I've been drinking Shakeology ever since.  It wasn't until about a month later I met a Beachbody Coach who described to me the Beachbody Coaching Opportunity.  

I was a customer first before I ever became a coach, and one of the reasons I became a coach was for the Shakeology discount.  

Why do I take Shakeology?  I could give you a bunch of reasons about the pro-biotics and 70+ healthy ingredients but simply put, it makes me feel great!   

Fast forward a year later my friends and I noticed something else cool about Shakeology.  Drink it before you go to bed, or the morning after any night of heavy partying, and you will feel much better, much faster!  I'm not saying it will stop a hangover dead in its path, but it sure seems to cut the recovery time in half.    

Before I ever bought Shakeology I had no idea it had a 'empty bag money back guarantee.'  I truly hope you try it for yourself and see what it can do or you.  You really have nothing to loose!  I think you'll find it making your life and health much better.  -Jimmie B

Contact me if you want to try Shakeology for yourself.  I can help you get free shipping!


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