Thursday, October 08, 2015

Someone the other day said to me, "I wish I had your life. You live in California and your heart is in what you do." This isn't the first time someone has said something like this to me and the people who say this aren't necessarily unhappy they're just not as happy as they could be. My advice to anyone and everyone is simple...

I was at this same point a few years back. I felt stuck in life, floating on a level that was neither going up nor down. To think back on it now I was waiting. Waiting for something to change. Waiting for things to get better. Waiting for that opportunity of greatness. It never came. You see I had to take a leap of faith do the hardest thing I ever had to do and that was CHANGE. I asked myself what were people who had the life I wanted doing? Who did they hang out with? How did they deal with situations? 
Now it'd be ludircis to think that I could become like them instantly but my mission was to start closing the gap. Start closing the gap between who I was and who I wanted to be. I'm still not sure we ever get there but that won't stop me from trying. So I started asking myself different questions. I stopped asking "what if I fail?" and started asking "what if I succeed?". I started asking myself "what's REALLY the worst that could happen if I did XYZ," and when I realized my FEAR was holding me back more then actual consequences I began to change. 
During this time I also changed the way I looked at the world. I started looking for opportunity, success and the answer YES instead of fear, failure and people trying to stop me with NO. I decided I would create opportunity for myself instead of waiting for someone else. I asked more questions, but now better questions. 
If you want to change you have to change. If you're looking for change don't look to outside sources. Don't look to others. Critique in a positive way your daily habits and begin to change them. Seek out others that have success in areas of their lives that you want success in and LEARN. And when successful people are trying to help you don't oppose them, act like a sponge and take it all in. Sometimes it takes a leap of faith, to follow blindly and always to get outside your comfort zone.
Change happens instantly but it's the decision to change that takes time. I know my decision took at least 6 months, tons of restless nights, anger and sometimes tears. But I can say... it was all worth it. The most precious thing in life is TIME. Time to discover yourself. TIME with friends and family. TIME to have amazing experiences, adventures and fun. Don't allow anyone or anything take your TIME away.

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