I Need to Drink More Water

I need to drink more water each day. I know it. You probably know it too. Why is drinking 'enough' water each day so hard???

For most people it's a mixture between just forgetting to and not wanting to make a hundred trips back and forth to the bathroom.

Which Program is Right for Me?

A question I get all the time. "Which program is right for me?" My answer is always the same, "what are your goals?" With that in mind I've decided to simplify the program library and let you know which programs I believe are right for YOUR goals.*
*Please note: Time, trainer personalty and money aren't the factors I'm considering here, primarily goals. Any workout program and healthy diet will get you results, I think these specific ones will get you there faster.  

If you want...

... the COMPLETE fitness package.
Looking good is great but over health will keep you from aging. This one mixes just about every aspect of fitness out there including yoga, weight training, plyometrics, kick boxing and more. There's nothing you won't be able to do after this program. GET IT

...to LOOK GOOD.

Are Labels Affecting You?

I was watching the movie The Flight of the Phoenix (2004) the other day and one of the characters said something I'll never forget. He said, "Religion divides people. Belief in something (referring to spirituality) unites them."

Now this isn't a blog about religion or spirituality but that statement got me thinking to how often 'labels' divide us. Think about politics, sexual preferences, food choices, job titles, diseases and the list goes on. We meet someone and right away we begin forming opinions based on these labels. Why do we put ourselves in these little "boxes" as my friend Derek would say?

It's these boxes that end up dividing people. Isn't it more important to unite people?

Jimmie's Top 5 Tips for Maintaining Healthy Habits During a Holiday Weekend

The 4th of July weekend is upon us and for many of us our healthy habits go south. It really doesn't matter if it's the 4th of July, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas.  We tend to give into social pressure and indulge.  Think about it that's all it is... SOCIAL PRESSURE. Imagine spending all those holidays completely by yourself, would you still eat as bad?!? Probably not... but I'll leave that for another blog.

Okay so Jimmie's Top 5 Tips for maintaining healthy habits during a holiday weekend...

1. Eat before you go
Don't show up to these event starving looking to dig in. Get a healthy meal in before you go and you'll be much less tempted to dive into gobs and gobs of empty calories.

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