The Updated Marriage Law

Well it finally happened, I came across some negativity on my Facebook wall news feed about the whole gay marriage issue law that just got passed. It really sucks too because for days I was reading my friends posts who were complaining about all the negativity coming across their Facebook walls and how they couldn't believe it!

Let's just say I was sitting back pretty high and mighty on my throne all superior because nothing negative came across my wall for days. Well, it just happened... crap. 

Now since it is 2015 and everyone has a voice due to the internet here is mine.

A Story on Having Options

I like having options do you? I'm not really talking about anything in particular just in general. 

Senior year of high school I had this friend named Steven. Steven was bright, talented and dedicated to his academics. I remember one time in English class Steven was haggling with the teach to change his grade from a 97% to a 100% because he didn't think something was fair.

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