The Updated Marriage Law
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Well it finally happened, I came across some negativity on my Facebook wall news feed about the whole gay marriage issue law that just got passed. It really sucks too because for days I was reading my friends posts who were complaining about all the negativity coming across their Facebook walls and how they couldn't believe it!
Let's just say I was sitting back pretty high and mighty on my throne all superior because nothing negative came across my wall for days. Well, it just happened... crap.
I'd like to steer this conversation on a different path if you'll allow me. Most debates are of god, the bible or some religious form. We have the typical God said this, God said that then the debaters hammering back with the whole "well it doesn't really say that" thing and everyone seems to have their own point to make.
So here's how I deal with this crap and you're more then welcome to join me if you like.
#1 If it doesn't have to deal with my life then I stay the hell out. Yea... it's that simple.
To be honest I'm still confused by the entire issue. Two people want to be together, cool, fine let's move on. The fact that the government needs to be involved at all is kinda perplexing to me. Has anyone else wondered why there's so many laws to begin with in such a 'free' country? That's another debate though.
I am happy that gays can now marry? Yea. I have a number of gay friends and I'm happy for them. I look at people as human or not, therefor humans (not categorized as gay, straight, black, white, purple or green) should have equal rights. We're all stuck on this rock together let's make the most of it; and let's be serious, we have much larger problems to deal with. Should we really be fighting against two people simply wanting to LOVE each other?
Or as I've heard before, "why not allow gay couples to be just as miserable as every other married couple out there." See what I did there? Tried to add some humor into this post.
#2 Believe, have faith or pray to what ever you want to, and leave everyone else the hell alone.
Don't agree with gay marriage? Think they're going to hell? Ok well it's their life, let them. Look we all make our own decisions and we must all pay for those decisions consequences. When did it become your place to judge?
This is also why debating never works. Everyone just keeps arguing their own side only solidifying their own points until both parties just believe even deeper their original argument.
#3 It works both ways.
That being said if you're pro the most recent marriage decision also read #2. Don't fire back. This debate could go on forever, let haters hate. There's no need in my opinion to argue back because you both obviously believe what you believe and that's simply not going to change. If you have the urge to comment try this instead....
Seriously, why would you fill your brain with crap that you don't want to see? I can't tell you the amount of people I unfollow on Facebook for these types of reasons.
#4 Remember Thumper
When in doubt go back to our old friend Thumper and just remember, "If you don't got nothing nice to say... don't say nothing at all."
How about you believe what you want to believe and I'll do the same. I'm sure I'm over simplifying an extremely complex issue but if we all instead simply worry about ourselves and our families and our own happiness wouldn't the world be a better place?
***Oh and if you don't like what I have to say here, then why are you here? Stop wasting YOUR time.