Quitting A Bad Thing?

Monday, July 01, 2013

"Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit." - Vince Lombardi

I was reading this quote the other day and loved it, but I think for a different reason then Mr. Lombardi was saying.  In my opinion what he's trying to say is don't make a habit of quitting.  Keep trying, keep fighting, etc.  Ok so you may be asking yourself how did I read it differently.

I've recently been reading and writing/ blogging a lot more and most of what I read is on self development.  Right now I'm really focusing on staying on track and getting rid of the things in my life that are either weighing me down or wasting my time.  Something that was really wasting my time was this game called 'Candy Crush,' you may have heard of it.  Man this game is addicting, I even found myself paying a few bucks for extra lives!

I finally decided it was time to start quitting bad habits!  I deleted all the games off of my iPhone.  It was hard because I'm sure I lost all the work I had put into my scores but really who cares.  In a day/ month/ or year from now am I really going to care if I was on level 1 or 100.  Doubt it.  This action led me to also start reading more and watching less TV.  Which will hopefully continually inspire me to do something else.

I guess the point of this post is to say I agree with Vince Lombardi.  Quitting isn't bad, as long as what you're quitting is bad, in my case a bad habit!  

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