REVIEW: The One Day Arm Cure

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

REVIEW: The One Day Arm Cure

Back in High School I opened up a muscle magazine to find an article titled, "The One Day Are Cure."  Next to this article and workout was the picture of a guy and his crazy ripped perfect arms.  The program claims results from 3/8" to 1" on your arms. Wow only one days worth of work huh???  I was very intrigued by the idea but lacked the commitment necessary to complete the workout, so the idea faded away.

I have no idea what brought it back to my mind but I figured I'd search this article out once again now that I'm more into nutrition and health.  Here's where I found it...

Ok, so now I have the time, the commitment, and I don't want to regret not doing this like I had in the past so let's go!  I'm assuming you don't care about my day or how it went but really just want to know, "did it work?"  Since people are asking me about results the day after PLEASE CONTINUE TO CHECK BACK FOR MORE UPDATES TO THIS REVIEW.  If you are the 1% who want to know about my day and what I thought please feel free to email me and I'll tell ya anything you want to know (

To be fair, here's what I did and didn't do...

...follow the program. the meals.

...follow the supplements to perfection but instead used what I already had.

The Results (Started on 7/9/2013)

UPDATE (Day after)  Gained 1/4 inch flexed and unflexed.  Ok serious, why do most guys seem to only measure their arms flexed???  I walk around 99% of the time unflexed, so isn't that what I should care about more?  Anyways, my arms don't really hurt very bad.  I mean they're a little sore, but nothing really any different from the many other workouts I have done.  The increase in size could be from my muscles still swollen, let's hope they stay this way or continue to grow.  I'll report back more later...

UPDATE (2 Day's after)  Results have stayed and this is usually the day that I'm most sore but I'm actually feeling good.  Let's see if they remain!

UPDATE (Week after) Well I'm happy to report my results have stayed.  The one day arm cure added about 1/4 inch onto my arms, not as much as promised but I'm not going to complain!  I'm not going to lie I thought the results wouldn't stay.

Final Conclusion: Try it.  It takes time no doubt, but if you have the time WHY NOT?  If anything this routine may get your arms out of a fitness rut and change things up a bit.  Worst case scenario, you don't gain any size and you just spent the day burning calories and eating clean  :)

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