Living without a cell phone

Monday, July 29, 2013

I'm going to keep this short and sweet.  This blog isn't meant to be some mind blowing revelation that I experienced but more of a few little things that I learned.  

First off you may be asking, why do I not have my cell phone, especially this day in age.  I have a phone, I didn't drop it, I didn't fail to make payments, and in some ways the reason I was without it was not my fault at all.  Being an extremely impatient person I decided I had to have the developer version of ios7 after seeing my cousin have it.  For some reason I couldn't wait til it was released to the masses and I wanted it now.  

I downloaded the files and signed up to be a developer and began installing the software.  Midway through my installation Apple's developer site goes down, I later learned it was hacked.  In order for me to complete the installation my developer account has to be fully activated with my phone's ID number put in the system.  With their site down this can't happen.  So my phone is 'bricked' until their activation site is back online.   Ugg... what bad timing!

It's now been about 11 days and I have no idea how much longer this is going to take but here's what I've learned...

What I've Learned....

1.  I waste far too much time on my phone!  Standing in line at the grocery store, waiting for food, etc, these are times I am constantly on my phone checking if someone new 'liked' a facebook post of mine rather than talking to my friends, or even better making new ones!  Oh, and 95% of my new emails are junk emails anyways, do I really need to check my email every 30 minutes?  Is it really worth missing out on meeting someone new or hearing more about my friends lives to check on the next Groupon deal?

2.  If you don't have a phone, you notice other people always being on their phones!  Ok, so I don't have a phone and I'm walking around with some friends who are all zombied out looking down at their phones!  Maybe I need to work on being more entertaining, or maybe we need to learn to talk more with people, above an beyond the how was your day and what's new.  

3.  People need to learn to use their phone as a tool to help their life, not take away from it.  I'm guilty of this too.  But seriously, what did you do before you had a cell phone?  Life was probably less stressful.   I can't tell you how many times I've been stressing out over waiting for an email or some kind of reply.  We learned that watching a pot won't make the water boil any faster, same with your phone!  Learn to check it at only key moments in your day and you can reduce tons of stress!

4.  We are losing personal contact.  Sales people and checkout people seemed almost frightened when I looked them in the eye and said, 'Hi' or 'How are you."  Eye's up and enjoy your surroundings!  On your deathbed you're not going to wishing you had spent more time on your phone!    

5.  Don't have to worry about texting and driving.  I know I shouldn't be doing this anyways and most times when I check my phone I'm at a light but still, it's not worth it!

6.  I get lost!  I learned my sense of direction has severely diminished!  In LA this is a problem because one wrong turn can end up losing you a good hour!  But I've realized even when I know the way to a place you use my phone for reassurance.  Ohhh and the map I threw away in my back seat because why would I ever need that again!??  I need to now go buy another one!  And trust me, phone chargers in your cars are great for the times you run out of battery, but don't do sh** when your phone just doesn't work!

7.  I actually do call people more than I thought.  OMG I couldn't believe this one!  I would find myself telling people to call me, or that I would call them to discuss something!  Oh but wait I can't.  I was actually trying to maintain a personal connection and all I could do was email.  I actually had to drive 30 minutes to my friends house to use their phone!  

8.  I need it for people contact info!  Being in a business where networking is essential, I realized I put all my notes and thoughts in my phone.  I'll be carrying around more pens and paper now!

9.  You won't die!  I have posted multiple times on Facebook about my phone situation.  The number one response was, "I would die," or some variation.  No you won't!  Eye's up and enjoy the world around you.  The same people who want to go on a hike to, 'get away from it all,' are the same people who bring their phones.  Whatever you decide to do, work, grocery shop, go to a bar, take a class, stay in that moment and give it your full attention!    

Ok that's it for now! I'll let ya know when my phone comes back online but more importantly I'm going to really start working on the things I've listed above.  It's sucked missing I'm sure a bunch of texts, but I'm actually really happy about this experience and what it has taught me!


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