How to Get Over the Number on the SCALE
Sunday, October 19, 2014
NOTE: This blog goes out to all the ladies because I think you're being targeted more then the fella's. This blog as isn't going to be about your weight and the dozens of reasons it's fluctuating. We could talk about water weight, muscle weight, periods (okay I really can't talk about that), excess sodium, your diet fluctuations or many other topics but the real solution to this obstacle is in our minds so it's only appropriate we start there.
I'M SORRY LADIES but it seems as though you're the target of every marketer. I can't even check-out in a grocery line without seeing magazine covers everywhere trying to grab my attention. Most covers clad with fitness models implying the message of "you should but don't look as good as me" and the others with celebrity bodies and "the one trick they did to get into amazing shape," as if it was really that easy.
Don't get me wrong guys worry about these things too, but for whatever psychological reason we're not ridiculed for our weight as often. I've even see articles titled "why women like men with bigger bellies" and even studies that claim "a man is better in bed if he's overweight." Ahhh marketing at it's finest.
The problem is it doesn't end there... even though it should. Why can't we just forget about these messages and just move on with our day?
Marketing is a plague that has controlled us for long enough. Everywhere we turn now is an ad, message or image that is attempting to trigger our brain in action. When was the last time you watched a video online without it having an ad first? When was the last time you went to a webpage and the screen darkened followed by pop-up ad? Seriously, I thought we got rid of these damn things with pop-up blocker but they seemed to have returned.
Each day we are literally plagued with one ad after another each one trying to get our attention over the last. The worst part is marketers have found evidence that fear causes people to act far more then pleasure.
'Take this pill and you'll be skinny living on the beach in a tropical paradise' seems like an amazing selling point but would you buy it? How about this, 'take this pill or you'll continue to gain weight and be single the rest of your life?' Fuck.
Okay enough of me bashing marketers but it brings us into the main point here... THE SCALE DOESNT MATTER (unless you're a wrestler or fighter at weigh in, then yeah lose the weight).
The only reason you feel the need to look at that scale is because marketing says you need to weigh less in order to be truly happy. But the truth is SCALE WEIGHT ≠ HAPPINESS.
So, how can we get over this?
It would literally be better to have a little green gremlin sitting on your bathroom counter in the morning just verbally bashing you as you get ready, why? Because at least the rest of the day you could blame those negative body image thoughts on the gremlin instead of them coming from your own brain.
If you're like the people I coach you're probably smiling and saying "that's true Jimmie. I should get rid of it." Then I'll ask, "so are you going to get rid of it?" and I'll just stare and wait. They'll smile, look around a bit and say, "I just can't do it." I'll shake my head and they'll move on and nothing will change.
[TAKE ACTION] How about this little trick? On a sticky note I want you to write yourself a positive message and cover up the number the scale with it. Now every time you look at the scale you'll feel good about yourself!
Would you watch a video online or a terrible car wreck? Of course you would but you're not a bad person because the whole time you're thinking I want to see this but I hope everyone was okay. Don't be ashamed we all do it. But then why don't we watch a video of a person driving safely making it home with their kids? It's because these things don't trigger our brain into action.
Our brain is one of the best, fastest and most superior machines known (at least to us) in the universe. Yet at the same time it's the biggest pain in the ass. It's only job is to survive. The odd thing is it will lead you to that scale but when it's time to put down the chocolate or wine and go workout the damn thing resists and says NO. What the hell is up with that?
Oh and for even more fun if the scale gives you good news like you're down 5 pounds you automatically write it off like well I can do better still and you're still not satisfied.
This is where we need to be smarter then our brains. They're great when trouble is approaching but since that happens only on rare occasions we need to reprogram then to see positivity, good and opportunity in ourselves.
[TAKE ACTION] Spend more time reading personal development books. Meditate. BE SELFISH. Surround Yourself with like minded people. Look for positivity around you and embrace it. IGNORE the negativity and never engage with it. Love yourself for who you are and the journey you're on. Congratulate yourself more then you put yourself down. Oh, and stay away from those magazines!
They'll remind you that the scale doesn't truly tell you what you want or need to know. It doesn't tell you how good you feel after a workout. It doesn't tell you how hard you've worked on your nutrition plan. It doesn't tell you how beautiful you are.
[TAKE ACTION] Find a support group. I run them quite often and if I don't have one for you I can find one. Also, if you need to measure your progress flex in the mirror more, see how your clothes are fitting, or take measurements. Just stay off that scale.
Instead, let's lead a revolution and put scale makers and health devices out of business by realizing they're not actually helping us. I'm going to invent a scale that says a message every time you step on it instead of your weight. It'll say things like "You're enough," "You're beautiful," "You're an amazing person," "You're sexy," "You're smart,""You're loved," or even just a smiley face :)
I hope I've provided enough value to you so you think about the scale differently from here on out. If you've taken action then I've done even better. But, if you don't get rid of the scale or you don't take action I understand. The scale is a weird safety net for some. But next time you get it on it and it's gives you a number, good or bad, I want you to remember this...
I'M SORRY LADIES but it seems as though you're the target of every marketer. I can't even check-out in a grocery line without seeing magazine covers everywhere trying to grab my attention. Most covers clad with fitness models implying the message of "you should but don't look as good as me" and the others with celebrity bodies and "the one trick they did to get into amazing shape," as if it was really that easy.
Don't get me wrong guys worry about these things too, but for whatever psychological reason we're not ridiculed for our weight as often. I've even see articles titled "why women like men with bigger bellies" and even studies that claim "a man is better in bed if he's overweight." Ahhh marketing at it's finest.
The problem is it doesn't end there... even though it should. Why can't we just forget about these messages and just move on with our day?
Marketing is a plague that has controlled us for long enough. Everywhere we turn now is an ad, message or image that is attempting to trigger our brain in action. When was the last time you watched a video online without it having an ad first? When was the last time you went to a webpage and the screen darkened followed by pop-up ad? Seriously, I thought we got rid of these damn things with pop-up blocker but they seemed to have returned.
Each day we are literally plagued with one ad after another each one trying to get our attention over the last. The worst part is marketers have found evidence that fear causes people to act far more then pleasure.
'Take this pill and you'll be skinny living on the beach in a tropical paradise' seems like an amazing selling point but would you buy it? How about this, 'take this pill or you'll continue to gain weight and be single the rest of your life?' Fuck.
Okay enough of me bashing marketers but it brings us into the main point here... THE SCALE DOESNT MATTER (unless you're a wrestler or fighter at weigh in, then yeah lose the weight).
The only reason you feel the need to look at that scale is because marketing says you need to weigh less in order to be truly happy. But the truth is SCALE WEIGHT ≠ HAPPINESS.
So, how can we get over this?
You can get rid of the scale. This is the best and easiest way to do it. Get rid of one tool that is measuring your happiness, your mood and/or your body image in a negative way. Seriously, why are you keeping it around?![]() |
If you're like the people I coach you're probably smiling and saying "that's true Jimmie. I should get rid of it." Then I'll ask, "so are you going to get rid of it?" and I'll just stare and wait. They'll smile, look around a bit and say, "I just can't do it." I'll shake my head and they'll move on and nothing will change.
[TAKE ACTION] How about this little trick? On a sticky note I want you to write yourself a positive message and cover up the number the scale with it. Now every time you look at the scale you'll feel good about yourself!
Did you know our brains our constantly scanning for danger? You may know it as fight or flight. Think about it. Every media outlet is trying to gain our attention and the ones that do are usually negative in context.Would you watch a video online or a terrible car wreck? Of course you would but you're not a bad person because the whole time you're thinking I want to see this but I hope everyone was okay. Don't be ashamed we all do it. But then why don't we watch a video of a person driving safely making it home with their kids? It's because these things don't trigger our brain into action.
Our brain is one of the best, fastest and most superior machines known (at least to us) in the universe. Yet at the same time it's the biggest pain in the ass. It's only job is to survive. The odd thing is it will lead you to that scale but when it's time to put down the chocolate or wine and go workout the damn thing resists and says NO. What the hell is up with that?
Oh and for even more fun if the scale gives you good news like you're down 5 pounds you automatically write it off like well I can do better still and you're still not satisfied.
This is where we need to be smarter then our brains. They're great when trouble is approaching but since that happens only on rare occasions we need to reprogram then to see positivity, good and opportunity in ourselves.
[TAKE ACTION] Spend more time reading personal development books. Meditate. BE SELFISH. Surround Yourself with like minded people. Look for positivity around you and embrace it. IGNORE the negativity and never engage with it. Love yourself for who you are and the journey you're on. Congratulate yourself more then you put yourself down. Oh, and stay away from those magazines!
Join a support group. No, you're not in therapy, but you wouldn't believe the amount of women I see in online health and fitness groups who are there to support each other without the bills of a therapy. Just now I saw a woman post about her weight on the scale and her unhappiness with her current results. In a matter of minutes dozens of girls told her not to worry and they were there for support.They'll remind you that the scale doesn't truly tell you what you want or need to know. It doesn't tell you how good you feel after a workout. It doesn't tell you how hard you've worked on your nutrition plan. It doesn't tell you how beautiful you are.
[TAKE ACTION] Find a support group. I run them quite often and if I don't have one for you I can find one. Also, if you need to measure your progress flex in the mirror more, see how your clothes are fitting, or take measurements. Just stay off that scale.
Remember this little number. This little bane of your existence is all in that thing above your neck. It doesn't really mean or accomplish anything so don't let it be the goal of your health and fitness lifestyle. If you do you'll end up missing out on what it really means to be healthy and fit.Instead, let's lead a revolution and put scale makers and health devices out of business by realizing they're not actually helping us. I'm going to invent a scale that says a message every time you step on it instead of your weight. It'll say things like "You're enough," "You're beautiful," "You're an amazing person," "You're sexy," "You're smart,""You're loved," or even just a smiley face :)
I hope I've provided enough value to you so you think about the scale differently from here on out. If you've taken action then I've done even better. But, if you don't get rid of the scale or you don't take action I understand. The scale is a weird safety net for some. But next time you get it on it and it's gives you a number, good or bad, I want you to remember this...
"You're GORGEOUS, you're ENOUGH just how you are and you're LOVED by all the people around you."
If you have other ways that you've found have helped you get over the number on the scale SHARE them below. Let's all support and love one another. - Jimmie