Lifting Weights for Women

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Lifting weights somewhere along the line got a really bad name for only being for men who want to be outrageously muscular, or for women who for some reason want to look a bit 'freakish.' Ever see these pictures, or similar ones to them below?  The truth is lifting weights alone does not yield these results.  And unless you are trying, and trying extremely hard, you will never look like the pictures below. These men and women did not just walk into the gym one day, pick up some weights, and wake up the next morning looking like this!

I am targeting this blog to all the ladies out there who are worried about lifting weights and or not even considering a program like Beachbody's Body Beast!  It's my intention to calm your nerves about lifting weights, and lifting heavy weights at that!

Getting results: The Calorie Rule!
Ok it all starts with this rule.  Simply put, your body uses a certain amount of calories per day (you can find calculators online that will help you estimate this number).  If you consume over this number you gain weight, if you consume under this number you lose weight.  Now this 'rule' goes a lot deeper than this but for the case of this blog that'll be good enough. Easy so far right?

I don't want to get big and bulky!?!
I get it, you don't want to lose your feminine physique.  Don't worry you won't.  Buuttttt I'm guessing I still haven't put your mind at ease?  Ok, think of it this way, changes don't occur over night.  You're not going to lift a bunch of weights on Monday and then be big, bulky and veiny on Tuesday!  It doesn't happen that fast, and if it did, every guy in the world would be HUGE!  This process takes time.

Remember when you wanted to lose 10 lbs and it was taking too long so you quit?  Adding size takes a long time and a lot of food.  But just to calm your nerves about a program like this think of it this way.  If at anytime you're not liking how your body is changing and you're not liking your results, you can always STOP.  It's just that simple.

Oh and don't forget our calorie rule.  Beast up and lift those weights ladies, as long as you're not taking in a huge excess of calories you can sleep soundly knowing you won't get any bigger!  Actually you'll be working out harder so you'll actually be able to eat more, WIN WIN!

Cardio burns more calories, you sure?
Maybe in a per minute amount of time but not overall.  Your body recovers from cardio session much more quickly then weight training.  So after your cardio workout, and a little time after that, your body is done burning calories.  Weight training however is different.

During weight training you tear you muscles apart.  After, your body has to to your muscles back together also making you stronger.  So with weight training you will burn calories during the workout (obviously) and also for days after the workout while your body rebuilds itself.  Win win!  Your body will be burning calories even when you're not working out! 

Please note I'm not discouraging cardio in anyway.  There are a number of health benefits your body gets from it.  I'm simply making a case for weight training here. 

Fat vs Muscle
Let's keep this one real simple.  Muscle naturally burns more fat in your body to operate then fat.  So if you want to burn EVEN MORE calories, add more muscle.  I've even read that, "for every 1 lb of muscle you have, you'll burn an extra 40 calories per day."

I hope I've changed your mind about lifting wights and lifting heavy weights.  Those actions alone are not going to make you bulky.  In fact in my opinion the 'form' of your body is for the most part made in the kitchen, so feel free to do what you want in the gym.  If you're looking for a program that is laid out and simple to use let me suggest Body Beast.  Plenty of women and men have been loving the results they have been getting from it.  It comes with the workouts, nutrition guide, supplements, support and everything else you will need to transform your body to meet your goals.  Oh and don't let the cover fool you :)

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