Deciding vs Doing

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

RIDDLE:  Five frogs are sitting on a log.  Four decide to jump off.  How many are left?

ANSWER:  Five.  Because there's a difference between deciding and doing!
I found this riddle in John C Maxwell's book "The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth."  The riddle itself isn't hard to figure out, but learning the life lesson it teaches us can be.  How often have you used the words tomorrow, soon, someday, eventually, when I'm ready, or the  hundreds of other words for not doing something.  Now don't get me wrong there are plenty of legitimate reasons for delaying action but I'm talking about the things YOU KNOW YOU NEED TO DO NOW.  

Why do we put these things off?  Why do we, in many cases, make the things we need to get done into bigger chores then they really are?  There is an entire book devoted to answering these questions titles "Eat That Frog" by Brian Tracy.  In his book he brings up a really good point that really stuck with me.  I'm paraphrasing here but it says that...

Everyday we have things we want to do and things we have to do.  Typically we do all the small little things first leaving the larger 'less fun' items on our agenda for later.  While we're doing these more fun and simple tasks we are constantly thinking in the back of our mind about the larger more daunting tasks.  Unfortunately by doing this we typically build these tasks up to be more overwhelming then they really are.  This makes us put them off even longer snowballing the effect further.  

Instead try this, get those tasks done first, right away.  Wow crazy idea!  By getting those tasks done first not only will the rest of your day seem easy (because you only have small fun tasks to complete) but you will also end your day on a more positive note.  Not to mention, if you're anything like me, you get more work done in the mornings then in the afternoon.  Spend your energy on the more difficult tasks so when the more exiting ones come up you'll feel like you have more energy and less likely to crash!  And... you'll go home happy instead of out of energy!!!  

I'm sure there is much more to discuss on this topic but think about it for a while.  How many times have you 'talked' about doing something but have never done it?  Then later wished you had.  It's not too late to change.  My challenge to you is to simply DO THINGS!  Right or wrong just do things!  You may be surprised at all you can accomplish, and it's a great habit to have!  :)

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