Jimmie's 10 Rules of Nutrition

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Disclaimer:  I'm not a nutritionist.  I'm a normal person trying to find a healthy balance of working out, eating right and living a happy life. That being said these are some general rules to live by that will help everyone's lives. 

1.  You ACTUALLY aren't hungry, you're bored and thirsty, DRINK SOME WATER.

2.  There are too many rules on "this ingredient is good, this one is bad," and quite frankly most of them don't have conclusive scientific evidence either way.  Regardless, if you want to beat the system, eat single ingredient foods, then you don't have to worry about it.  Keep it simple!

3.  Try new ways of eating and use your own personal experience to determine what's right for you.  Try paleo, try vegan, try whatever, LEARN about how YOUR body reacts.

4.  Eat for YOUR goals, not someone else's.  Just because a super model or actor is eating a certain way, doesn't mean it's right for you.  Invest in a nutritionist now.  It may be a big investment but you can use the lessons you learn for the rest of your life.

5.  Vote and vote often.  Every time you buy something from the grocery store you're voting on that product being sold there.  If a store isn't selling a product than they'll stop stocking it.  Grocery stores are businesses.  It's simple, stop buying crap and the stores will stop selling it.  Together, we actually can make a difference. 

6.  If it's labeled as 'diet', 'healthy,' 'natural,' 'fat free' or any other lingo that is out there it generally isn't.  Companies use this as marketing to make you feel better about buying it.  The real foods (fruits, vegetables, etc) don't need these labels, because everyone already knows they're good for you.  Read twice before purchasing these items. 

7.  When in doubt look for labels that are HIGH in vitamin's & minerals, protein, and fiber; AND LOW in fats, carbs and sodium.

8.  Have cheat meals instead of cheat days.  Once you've mastered that, have cheat snacks instead of cheat meals.  After that, see how long you can go without cheating.

9.  Learn portion control.  It takes time for you stomach to tell your brain that you're full so give it some time.  When out to eat, order less then you plan on eating, you'll save money and maybe some inches off of the waist.  If you're still hungry, you can always order more.  I doubt the kitchen is going to run out of food.

10.  You're 100% in control of what you put in your mouth and body.  Period.

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